How can I soften my stool??

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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby missy moo » 16 Dec 2018, 02:30

Ok thanks does the natural calm keep your stools soft? What exactly do you do each day? I don't eat cereal I eat organic rolled oats every breakfast salad or wholemeal/rye bread sandwich with salad an cottage cheese then meat an veg for dinner I try to eat fruit but I'm not hungry between meals
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby Abu » 16 Dec 2018, 04:29

Don't eat when you're not hungry and don't eat what you don't like! Remember, we always have to watch what we eat and can never be "normal" again. This is why it is crucial to find your own way of healthy eating, something that works and that you enjoy for life. It has to nourish your body and your senses and not satisfy what one doctor may say. There are so many opinions out there about which foods to eat that it's best to just find what you like and stick to it. I refer here to healthy foods obviously.
The easiset to remember is to ditch for good all processed foods, limit carb intake (especially sugar), favor natural fats and try to eat a balanced diet. Do not worry about how many fruits you ate, or how muvh spinach or salads etc. Your body tells you what it needs, at least I know mine does. Since I ditched sugar completely some years ago I cannot stand the taste of deserts any longer. The only indulge for me is 85% dar chocolate, which i eat 2 small tablets a day by splitting each one in little squares and just savoring them :)

I am no doctor so what I write here is just my own experience and lots of reading on the matter.
Natural Calm needs to be taken on an empty stomach otherwise it doesn't "work" on softening stools. Also, if you take it with meals it impacts digestion because it's alkaline and lowers the acidity of your stomach - which is not good.
I take between 400 and 600mg a day, usually right before I go to bed (that is, at least 3h after my last meal for the day) and mornings my BMs are usually perfect consistency. You need to try for yourself.
There are many aspects on how to live a healthy life, and this is not only food related. You also need to sleep enough so you feel rested, you also need to exercise and you also need to relax and enjoy life :)
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby missy moo » 16 Dec 2018, 05:04

All very true I needed to hear all of this I need to find my normal and what works for me I'm going to stop researching everything and just do what works for me follow my gut not my head! I am a sweet tooth so that would be hard for me but I guess if I found sugar alternatives or got to the bottom of what it is I'm lacking the moment i get a craving for something sweet I don't eat sweet stuff everyday but i do eat it once or twice a week I have thought about reducing my suger as I do believe it's not good for us. What is your take on having just the first bit of stool being hard then the rest soft is that from not eliminating completely the day before? I have this alot and it's really frustrating I'm currently not taking anything but 1tbsp olive morning and night on an empty stomach i haven't noticed any change though
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby Abu » 16 Dec 2018, 05:56

You must ween yourself off of sweet. Just know that if you eat more glucose than your body needs it will fuel pathogenic bacteria and yeast! You don't want that. Also you can develop insulin resistance and all sort of nasty stuff.
Whenever you feel the need for something sweet try to eat some healthy seeds with honey. Example: brazil nuts, wallnuts, macadamia, almonds - dip them in a drop of honey and trust me, you will love them.
I have eliminated sugar and grains from my diet and I feel great! I have energy, I never experienced a cold in 2 years, no stomach upsets, no infection - I am in perfect health except for this damn fissure which bothers me from time to time, albeit without any pain compared to other fellow sufferes on this forum.
Related to the hard tip, I have seen various opinions. For me it is clear the result of incomplete emptying but there is a solution, even if it sounds gross. Before the morning BM, just when I wake up, I do a physical exam - using a disposable glove and vaseline I stick my finger in there. If the leftovers are hard and dry, I try to take them out, one by one - very easy and carefully, with lots of vaseline so I don't iritate the skin. If the leftovers don't seem hard I leave them there and the BM takes care of them.
It's not pleasant but it works and you need to do this at least a few months until your skin builds strength and it can sustain harder BMs.
Olive oil is very healthy but this is another example of eating something against your liking. Olive oil taken empty like that is not tasty to say the least. You should take it with your salads, since you mentioned them already. Use olive oil and kombucha vinegar on salads and it's delicious.
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby missy moo » 16 Dec 2018, 13:20

Good idea, and I agree extra extra virgin olive oil is gross by itself I hold my nose and chase it down with warm water but it's not changing anything so I'll take your advice and add it to my salads, I feel like I should maybe go twice a day sometimes my bowel aches or I get sharp pain in it during the night like maybe it's from being full or from harder older stool I think I should visit my doctor but all they do is tell you take fiber drink water an exercise, I feel like my body is only set to have 1 movement a day I don't get more then 1 urge pr day even though I myself may feel like I need more but that mite be because not evacuating filling in the first movement?
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby Abu » 17 Dec 2018, 00:18

Sharp pain is from something you ate, it cannot be the stool. Try an elimination diet to find out what hurts you. For at least 1 week eliminate 1 type of food and see how you feel. Do not change anything else. Next week elimibate another type of food and re-introduce the first one. Do this until you find the culprit. One BM a day is ok if stools are soft, for me it has to be 2 otherwise it gets harder. You can play with softeners for a while in order to train your body to go twice.
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby missy moo » 17 Dec 2018, 00:30

It's only sharp right where my bowel is lower left? I also get pain right below my left ribs which feels the same, I'll have to try that but with 2 kids at home with me it can be hard to focus on myself I just eat and don't think about it and come to think about it I have a thing for corn chips which I don't think that helps I only eat them once or twice a week but I need to start paying attention to what my bms are like after certain foods, I don't eat dairy so that's a start an I eat meat every second night ill start a food journal maybe and add and take things away. Is rolled oats a grain? Do you think think they are fine to eat? I need a do an don't eat food list but I guess I need to be the one writing it
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby Thorgrim » 17 Dec 2018, 09:18

I figured I would give a different prospective- I did not give birth but I did Have LIS almost 10 weeks ago. I think the hard tip you feel is actually from the fissure and tightness and not hard stool. Post LIS I still have some hard stools at the beginning, but they do not feel nearly as hard. I tried eating varying amounts of fiber through the fissure process and found eating my RDA (for me 35-40 grams) was the best way to go and focused mainly on soluble fiber. same with water- drink enough so that your urine is very pale yellow, and hydrate first thing in the morning. I also found that "healthy fats" like coconut oil were causing the really thick stools that were causing my fissure, so I eat pretty low fat, high carb, and moderate protein. I feel like my food digests really fast this way- I am an athlete and can eat lots of carbs without any problems, but carbs from grains will not make you fat. I take 100mg of colace before bed still and some prune juice. my stools are really soft and loose following these steps.
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby Abu » 17 Dec 2018, 11:40

For me high carb low fat is a recipe for disaster. All the fat people I know eat this way and none of them is doing well health wise.
High fat and low carb is the way to go, tried by me and my wife with great success. Fat is the main factor behind motility and for people with fissures this is critical. Of course, I am talking about healthy fats here and not trans fats or vegetable oils factory made.

Missy, it is difficult to keep a journal if you have no time but you don't need it really. Diary is not necessarily bad, if you eat natural and not processed. I have the opportunity to drink raw milk from my neoghbours cows (I live in the countryside) and make my own yogurt. I never have issues with raw milk as opposed to pasteurized milk which makes me feel bloated.
I also eat lots of fermented vegetables, this is very common in my country and I know it's good for me due to the probiotics it contains. And they taste delicious. Also, if you have an electrolytic imbalance then salt is your friend - and all fermented vegetables contain lots of salt.
I recommend you read a nutrition book if you want to learn more, there are plenty out there with very good valuable information.

Oats are grains and I can not recommended them to anyone. Same for corn, this leads to constipation as experienced by my wife.
Thorgrim, I am happy you found your way and I am not trying to convince you or someone else otherwise. But it's good to know there are countless ways to deal with this and since we are all so different it is impossible to say that one diet is better then another for everyone.
Fiber bulks up the stools so you need to be carefull not to stretch the fissure too much. That area will never be the same as that of a normal person, even after healing.
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby missy moo » 17 Dec 2018, 13:59

Corn constipates me too well it makes my stools hard speaking of hard stools today was bad it reopened my second fissure I have 1 on each end one from giving birth and the other for the surgeon giving me Botox for my first fissure, Abu is miralax ok for us? It's the salt powder stuff you dissolve in water I stopped taking it because I was worried about my kidneys or liver not liking it but this was just my thoughts I'm not sure if it's true. I'm sorry disappointed with this second fissure opening up I actually felt it tear! My family and I are going away in 3 days on a road trip to my sister's in-laws for Christmas we'll be there for a few days and with this new development I'm feeling depressed about it how am I going to get through this time and I want to be painfree and enjoy my time with my kids and family maybe it's the oats! Since its first in first out of maybe it's from waking up an drinking a coffee on an already thirsty body that hasn't drank all night maybe the coffee just drys everything out that extra bit
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