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Abu wrote:Sharp pain is from something you ate, it cannot be the stool. Try an elimination diet to find out what hurts you. For at least 1 week eliminate 1 type of food and see how you feel. Do not change anything else. Next week elimibate another type of food and re-introduce the first one. Do this until you find the culprit. One BM a day is ok if stools are soft, for me it has to be 2 otherwise it gets harder. You can play with softeners for a while in order to train your body to go twice.
Abu wrote:I was referring to pain in the tummy not the butt. Missy, did you try eating Manuka honey, as you live where they make it? The pains can be caused by poor digestion which can have many cayses, one of them being low stomach acid due to H. Pylori
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