How can I soften my stool??

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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby Abu » 20 Dec 2018, 23:10

Mucus can have many causes and it definitely ain't normal. Now that you mention it alongside abdominal pain I strongly advise you to see a specialist. Don't wait too much Missy, this can be a sign of ulcerative colitis.
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby missy moo » 20 Dec 2018, 23:15

Now I'm scared!! I don't have bowel pain all the time just every few days and it passes after a max of 2-3mins
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby Abu » 21 Dec 2018, 00:19

You don't solve anything by being scared. Go see a doctor if you have these symptoms for more than a few days.
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby missy moo » 21 Dec 2018, 00:32

Yea I will but I've just left home for Christmas won't be home for up to 6 days what are the main symptoms? When I had Botox for my fissure they had a look for anything suspicious with a scope would they not of seen this issue? Thanks for you advice
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby Abu » 21 Dec 2018, 05:52

No. You need an endoscopy to identify colitis. Hopefully your doctor will rule this out based on your symptoms
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby patience_and_healing » 21 Dec 2018, 12:00

I don't think you need to worry about colitis and such, missy. My husband has IBS and occasionally he'll have mucus in the BM, but he's had a normal colonoscopy before. It's most likely caused by something you're eating that's not agreeing with your digestive system. Best to check with your doctor of course, but don't panic. If you had untreated colitis, you wouldn't be in good shape to be traveling, that's for sure. I occasionally have pain on my right side, doctors have never really found the cause and in the end it turned out to be muscular.
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Re: How can I soften my stool??

Postby missy moo » 21 Dec 2018, 13:16

Hi P&h thanks I'll go and see my doctor when I get home I did do some research last night and I think I would have bouts of diarrhoea I'd I had colitis but better to be safe then sorry I'll explain all my symptoms to the doc when I get home I also read that mucus can be from constipation and with colitis the anus and or lower bowel would look really inflamed so I think that would of been picked up, one thing I do want to have checked out that Abu has said is the bacterial stuff like an unbalanced gut because I was on 4 months antibiotics about a year ago and I fully believe that stuff takes you years to recover from if you don't work on it with the intention to fix it but we'll see I'll let you both know what the doc says thanks to both of you and merry Christmas
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