Hi missy moo!
Thanks for the reply have you had botox yet?
I saw a CRS and he said that the fissure is really small (like he struggled to find it) and gave me diltiazem. He said if i am still symptomatic in 3 months then it will be botox for me as well! I live in the UK, what about you?
The diltiazem appears to be working as it not longer hurts when I go to the loo or feels like there is an open cut there. However, I am really struggling with what I assume are spasms?
Everywhere just feels really tight all day like my bum is contracting and now ive developed tailbone pain! Has this happened to you? I dont know if it is connected to the diltiazem or if I should stop using it but im only 3 weeks in
And yes 1988 is my birth year as well :)