Fissure after forceps delivery


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Re: Fissure after forceps delivery

Postby FissureVictim » 01 Jun 2017, 12:11

Thank you so much MF.... can you please send me the link.. :)
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Re: Fissure after forceps delivery

Postby mamafizz » 01 Jun 2017, 19:06 in this video she talks about how she felt after having her baby breastfeeding and dealing with an anal fissure. I also had a conference call with her, she helps with dealing with pain etc.. hope you find some of it helpful!
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Re: Fissure after forceps delivery

Postby FissureVictim » 01 Jun 2017, 19:29

Thank you so much MF, I would love to enrol for this but $19.99 per month seems expensive. Thinking about it....
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Re: Fissure after forceps delivery

Postby mamafizz » 01 Jun 2017, 19:38

I didn't enroll but there are a lot of free blogs and youtube video's even so....
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Re: Fissure after forceps delivery

Postby mamafizz » 01 Jun 2017, 19:39

It is just reassuring to as it is here, that this can be overcome and can have a positive outcome... we just need to be kind to ourselves and we will heal... prayers for healing to all!
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Re: Fissure after forceps delivery

Postby FissureVictim » 01 Jun 2017, 21:11

Thank you MF... prayers to all
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Re: Fissure after forceps delivery

Postby missy moo » 02 Jun 2017, 10:33

Mamafizz sometimes my muscle hurts aches feels tight an tired or over worked is that a spasm? I'm thinking about a fissurectomy an botox but i healed for 5 months during my pregnancy skin tag and all so I'm thinking can I heal by myself I got constipated after having baby like we all do that's when it came back plus weak skin from low estrogen I believe now that I'm taking lax sachets an once I've stopped breast feeding I could keep things soft every day an heal again by myself I mite give it 1 last go in 17 weeks exactly and I mite start myself a dairy on here.
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Re: Fissure after forceps delivery

Postby mamafizz » 02 Jun 2017, 11:01

Yes, it is a form of spasm I am told. The muscles are working to protect the area and they wrap around the rectum Does it feel like it is higher up to the tailbone? I do believe I was pretty healed when I had the botox but I hoped that it would speed it up. But this is the type of thing that does just take a long while. Even now I am almost 4 months out and it is still tender and achy I am told give it at least 6 months and as long as it's not worse and seems to be getting better you are on the right tract. Trust you body. Rest when you need it.. Stress just makes it take longer to heal... You may have leftover muscle tension for a while I also have no estrogen!! I take Vitamin E just 400 mg helps heal from within and Diosomin which is a natural supplement helps with vascular health in that area which is vital for healing and blood flow as well... Keep going hun!
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Re: Fissure after forceps delivery

Postby missy moo » 02 Jun 2017, 15:16

Is Diosomin fine while breast feeding? I heard you need to keep it pain free for a year to be healed. It's funny I feel like no one in my town has this issue just me no one knows what in talking about when I tell them. I constantly see people with new baby's and people eatting junk food at the bakery an think do you get fissure do you have one right now which won't heal are you in pain I always think about I envy all these people walking round with bum pain life must be so good that's a life I use to have I'm 28 years old an I don't know if I'll ever live like I use to ever again I look an think I had nothing to complain about!
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Re: Fissure after forceps delivery

Postby missy moo » 02 Jun 2017, 15:18

Also my doctor said scar tissue can soften an stretch without surgery which gives me some hope
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