LIS - Recovering (3 )

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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day1)

Postby Deleted User 3712 » 09 Jul 2014, 15:13

Make sure to at least try having a sitz bath to clean up and to avoid any infection. Did you get some antibiotics? I've been given flagyl, makes me feel a bit nauseous, but would rather that and have some piece of mind of not getting infections.
I've had 5 BM's today, all painless. But I've been eating quite a lot of high fibre foods so maybe that's why.

Same here about looking. I think looking at my bum will give me discouragement. And besides, if I look, I'm gonna start googling for lumps, bumps, scars, abscesses......and it will stress me out! Gonna let the dr look when I go for a follow up in the next week.

Happy healing! It feels so good to be on the road to proper recovery :)
Deleted User 3712

Re: LIS - Recovering (Day2)

Postby Fellk » 10 Jul 2014, 06:50

He said no antibiotics should be needed in my case. Had a sitz bath last night. I took a look last night (normally just take pictures). Mostly a red line where he cut and its raised. It's not gross by any means. I expected my bhole to look like a massacred pizza for awhile.

It feels amazing to be on the road to being done. I can deal with pain and healing and aftercare. I'm a goal focused person so this stuff is easy to me. I don't do good with waiting and being helpless.

So it's almost 48 hours since surgery. Still no BM (not uncommon for me to wait a few days, its soft anyway. I've eaten very lightly since surgery so thats part of it.). I've got some pain this morning, nothing too bad. Slept pretty well all things considered. Going back to work today. Sucks I won't be cycling for awhile. I'd intended on being back on it by the end of the week but probably will take longer. Not doing much until my body says its alright. I do find the pain gets less and less as the day goes on. It kinda feels like a busted knee where its OMG OW STIFF in the morning but once you get moving it relaxes a bit. Have to see what the bm is going to be like... should be today. VERY rare to not have one for 72 hours. I kinda feel like I'm close to going so fingers crossed.
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day2)

Postby Deleted User 3712 » 10 Jul 2014, 08:54

Fellk u sound like me! I hate sitting at home waiting to feel back to normal. Can't wait to get out, go running, swimming, and all the other things I'm used to doing.
I'm sure you'll be fine with the BM. Just make sure you don't strain or push too much ;)
Deleted User 3712

Re: LIS - Recovering (Day2)

Postby Fellk » 10 Jul 2014, 11:28

Yah we sound pretty similar. I can atleast give the time to recovery. Sitting around for the last 5 years has been the worst.

Had my first BM after chugging a lot of coffee. No real issues. Blood but doc said thats normal from the incision site. Just used water to rinse myself clean. Can't wait to get home and have a sitz bath and shower.
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day2)

Postby Fellk » 10 Jul 2014, 21:06

Bleeding a lot. Have been applying a cool cloth and blood every single time. Think me sitting to go tinkle is part of the problem. Need to stand (I never have, always sat even as a little kid). Used the washroom again. Kinda pissed off that I'm in more pain then I was yesterday. Taken my percocets so I should be drifting off to sleep soon.
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day2)

Postby Deleted User 3712 » 11 Jul 2014, 03:44

Oh no. Hope it improves. Same here, had the first 3 days without pain and today during my 1st BM I felt more pain then yesterday, but the pain quickly wore off, within 20 minutes of having a sitz bath and taking a pain killer. Still nothing compared to the pain before the op. I'm guessing and hoping that this is the cycle of healing. Fingers crossed
Deleted User 3712

Re: LIS - Recovering (Day2)

Postby Fellk » 11 Jul 2014, 07:58

It's weird how as time goes on it gets a bit worse. Then again it's going to get worse before it gets better. Ibuprofen seems to help take the pain down so I'll keep on that. Anytime I check there is blood but I need to stop spreading my cheeks lol. I put some prep h on it this morning to help calm it down. That caused even more pain so won't be doing that again.

Goal for today is always stand when using the washroom. Won't check for any bleeding unless going #2. Probably going to head home early from work and get started on weekend of rest n sleep.
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day2)

Postby Roidsfizzman » 11 Jul 2014, 15:32

Hi Fellk,

You are doing really well and I am amazed at soon you were able to return to work. The two day off over the weekend should help with rest and being able to do a bath after a BM. You need to watch the creams as they can delay the healing of the fissure and incision. I was instructed by my CRS not to put anything on the fissure or incision site after LIS and a number of others on the board have noted the same instructions. The bleeding is normal after LIS, so you should not worry to much about it as it should go away in a few days.

You need to be careful when checking your bottom as you can delay the healing by pulling on the incision site stiches when spreading your cheeks to check. I was told to leave the area alone and the doctor would do the checking, but I had to check once and a while.
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day2)

Postby Fellk » 11 Jul 2014, 20:53

Roidsfizzman wrote:Hi Fellk,

You are doing really well and I am amazed at soon you were able to return to work. The two day off over the weekend should help with rest and being able to do a bath after a BM. You need to watch the creams as they can delay the healing of the fissure and incision. I was instructed by my CRS not to put anything on the fissure or incision site after LIS and a number of others on the board have noted the same instructions. The bleeding is normal after LIS, so you should not worry to much about it as it should go away in a few days.

You need to be careful when checking your bottom as you can delay the healing by pulling on the incision site stiches when spreading your cheeks to check. I was told to leave the area alone and the doctor would do the checking, but I had to check once and a while.

Ty for the advice! <3 this forum. It's hard to get answers from your specialist here as they are booked a year in advance for most appointments and don't have open office hours to call them at.

Today I took a half day. Some bleeding today but nothing major. Used washroom BLOOD FREE! xd. Pain has tapered down through out the day and am pretty comfortable now. Walking slowly but thats to be expected... I think the worst may have passed. I also can stay couped up napping all weekend.
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day2)

Postby JHH » 12 Jul 2014, 02:22

Hey Strato

So you finally had LIS. That's great, and I hope you will recover fast.
Thanks for keeping us updated!

- Fissure developed in Jan '13
- Started rectogesic in Feb '13 and diltiazem Apr '13.
- Got botox Jun '13
- Healed by Okt '13, although I still had some irritation for about a year.
- New fissure April '22, healed June 2022
- New fissure 24. December 2023
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