LIS - Recovering (3 )

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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day7)

Postby owmybum » 18 Jul 2014, 03:06

Your progress sounds great Fellk!!
Take it easy, and you will be back to normal in no time!!

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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day7)

Postby Fellk » 19 Jul 2014, 07:13

Getting there!

Yesterday was very normal. BM mid morning, no pain. Very very little blood on the gauze. It's less and less and less each time. Still using gauze and tape for the hell of it but it's probably not necessary.

Soon won't be much point on daily updates :)
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day7)

Postby Rachael 1984 » 19 Jul 2014, 14:43

Hey Fellk,
Great news, I've only just realised you're Stratocaster after I read JHH post to you. I'm so glad you had the surgery to finally sort this out. Mine is in 8weeks time. X keep going!
Hem Banding sept 2012
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day7)

Postby Fellk » 19 Jul 2014, 15:03

Rachael 1984 wrote:Hey Fellk,
Great news, I've only just realised you're Stratocaster after I read JHH post to you. I'm so glad you had the surgery to finally sort this out. Mine is in 8weeks time. X keep going!

I don't think you'll regret it! Just prepare for a few rough days. In my experience recovery was worse then the doctor led on.

Wellllll a step back. Blood when I went to the washroom. . Had a massive squeezing contraction and there was blood after. I find them hard to control sometimes but I need to be more attentive. No real pain atleast. Will be gauzing and taping when I get home.
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day7)

Postby Rachael 1984 » 19 Jul 2014, 15:08

Yes, my CRs said after a week, I won't have pain going to the toilet.... Not too sure about that one! I'm dreading the first BM.
Sorry about the blood, is it coming from the incision site? I'm pretty scared about having another slit in my bottom. Ugh
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day7)

Postby Fellk » 19 Jul 2014, 15:14

Rachael 1984 wrote:Hi,
Yes, my CRs said after a week, I won't have pain going to the toilet.... Not too sure about that one! I'm dreading the first BM.
Sorry about the blood, is it coming from the incision site? I'm pretty scared about having another slit in my bottom. Ugh

Yeah its from the incision site. It's not bad and no pain. The internal healing seems to be well along so I'm stoked with that.

Yeah I found that I had some bad pain going to the washroom for the first 3-5 days. It's a different pain. It's a hot sharp scratchy pain from the stitches etc. I was given percocets and they made me sleepy so I just slept as much as I could for the first few days. As of day...4 I was back at work and no pain. Bleeding a small amount thru the day but no pain. My BEST recommendation is use some soft soft gauze to pack the booty after its clean and then some medical tape across your cheeks near the bottom. It helped a lot in reducing any stress on the site as sitting and moving around couldn't separate and cause more annoyance. I really started to heal when I started booty taping.
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day7)

Postby Fellk » 21 Jul 2014, 08:30

Nothing to report. Saturday there was blood as I mentioned. Once I got home and did my usual gauze and tape routine there was none and I've seen none since. I don't think I even need to be doing it but it's not hurting anything. I'd rather baby it longer then needbe then not enough.
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day7)

Postby Fellk » 22 Jul 2014, 13:42

Not much excitement. BM was fine yesterday. Few tiny red dots of blood. Oddly enough like 4 hours later I put gauze in and then had to have another BM an hour later and it was really bloody. Only thing I can think of was I ran for the bus. Next gauze was fine. Thinking I'mma stop with the gauze soon as I've noticed the wound not always clotting as the gauze is helping seal it, then its taken away and its unsealed.

today is 2 weeks :D
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day7)

Postby Fellk » 23 Jul 2014, 08:52

Fine until this morn. I've felt scratchy for like 12 hours. Went to the washroom and lots of blood. Possible the stitching shifted or something but I'm in no pain. Back to the gauze train!
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Re: LIS - Recovering (Day7)

Postby owmybum » 23 Jul 2014, 12:51

Ah..... Your stratocaster.....hi!

Sorry to hear you've had to go on and have LIS.... But it sounds all good.... Apart from the blood... But no pain is GREAT!

I'm having advancement flap surgery next Tuesday, and I'm hoping that will be the end of my misery!

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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