LIS Diary post op

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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby Rich44 » 02 Dec 2021, 11:24

You are doing great. I think I had discomfort for 7-10 days tops and it was minor (and I don't think I took any laxative or softener - just Citrucel for a little fiber which I take daily anyway). I like to say that once you have that first BM post surgery it's all easier after that because you are nervous it will be super painful. But the tension from the sphincter that was causing the problem is much less after the LIS so everything is usually fine.

Knowing what I know now, it's no-brainer. Unless you know you can't tolerate the incision, get the LIS and be done with the chronic fissures or live a lifetime of treating your problem and be constantly on a rollercoaster of pain and misery.
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby Conifer2 » 03 Dec 2021, 15:12

Completely agree with this rich44. I appreciate that for some people things don’t work out but I’ve been very lucky in that it’s been a miracle cure. With 3 open wounds (fissure, lis, skin tag removal) and feeling no pain during or after bm is crazy. I’ve said it before but I just can’t get my head around it.

Not even 3 weeks out from lis and I’m driving, walking, working, gardening, even drinking (small amount of wine at weekend).

My fissure is still causing me a bit of awareness though amd I have a slight ache after bm for about 2 hours or so. Did/do you guys have this?
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby Rich44 » 03 Dec 2021, 15:31

Conifer2 wrote:My fissure is still causing me a bit of awareness though and I have a slight ache after bm for about 2 hours or so. Did/do you guys have this?
I don't have any issues at all. Things have been pretty much normal all year. I even feel like the tension during a BM I still had went away (I think mentally I had to re-learn how to go without straining). My CRS changed my life.
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby Conifer2 » 03 Dec 2021, 15:52

So pleased to hear this. I feel the same about my CRS. I see him in January and it will take all my effort not to give him a big cuddle!! My ache is barely noticeable to be fair but I guess I’m hyper aware of sensations just now. Still just coming up to 3 weeks post surgery so still have some healing to do esp of my fissure which was really big. So glad you both are doing well!
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby DarkJediFury » 04 Dec 2021, 04:55

I'm uncomfortable for an hour or 2 after a BM still at the moment. But it's not pain as such. Just... Awareness that it's not healed down there yet. But it's only 8 days for me.

Last few days have been uneventful and I've been more active. Driving a bit longer, walking a bit more, took my middle one to football yesterday and was okay.

Still taking it easy.

TBH the hernia is causing more pain than anything else and that's only 2-3/10.

Stool it's definitely firmer now the antibiotics have stopped just like yours conifer. Which concerns me a little. Still taking half a laxido per day which I might just continue with since I suffered from constipation for years.

Sep 2017 Bilateral inguinal hernia
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby DarkJediFury » 06 Dec 2021, 02:56

I think it's 8 or 9 days now since my operation and I am waking with zero pain and having zero pain during the day now, however yesterday I spent the day suffering from constant flatulence and constipation.

Finally had a small BM late in the day which bothered me a lot since I desperately dont want to have to push at all and cause myself more pain and issues. Flatulence was all day and incredibly odorous. Not good at all. Probably did too much during the day physically but feeling much better today and the stomach gurgling around like I might have a BM in an hour or two.

I am very happy so far and only getting a tiny spot of blood on the paper after a BM. Nothing bad at all.

Sep 2017 Bilateral inguinal hernia
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby DarkJediFury » 09 Dec 2021, 04:36


Not really much to tell since i think things are still slowly healing.

I had one day with very large volume of soft stool leading me to go 5 times that day which certainly seemed to set me back. Bit more uncomfortable since but still not really much pain 2/10 most mornings and then goes about 30 mins to an hour afterwards and I have taken ibuprofen and sitz bath afterwards when like that.

Returning to what I would consider more 'normal' food has firmed things up a bit and that is still a juggling act for me since i am gluten and wheat intolerant, finding a balance between the right food, proper nutritional intake, and the right level of fibre is hard

I have started working from home (IT Support) which has increased the amount of time I am sitting at my desk which I am sure will slow down recovery. Walking 2 miles at lunchtime and trying to remember to wander around the house every hour.

This morning's BM was a little harder to go which is probably as a result of eating the same as everyone else last night, and I am still getting some, weeping rather than bleeding. Worse with the harder BM but still not bad and only 14 days since the op today which i was advised is the minimum I should expect before the fissure heals.

Sep 2017 Bilateral inguinal hernia
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby Conifer2 » 09 Dec 2021, 04:47

Hi DJF. Good to hear your update. I hope you’re feeling ok with everything. Things are good my side mostly but feeling a bit frustrated the past few days and wondering if any of this is similar to you.

Laxido still not got the same effect as it used to and wonder if it ever will again. Bms are a bit uncomfortable - sometimes scratchy and sometimes with some blood. My fissure is def not healed and I’m wondering when I can expect this to happen. I’m honestly getting worried it will never heal. And I have quite a dull ache for about 2-3 hours after wards. Nothing more than 1/10 but it’s just annoying and I’m fed up with it. Afternoons are generally totally fine but sometimes I can be aware of fissure, like yesterday for example.

Probably being impatient and sorry to hijack your thread but just wondering if any of this is familiar to you?
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby DarkJediFury » 09 Dec 2021, 05:57

You're not hijacking the thread, happy to discuss.

What you describe is very similar to mine actually Conifer. I'm still taking half a sachet of Laxido every day since the full sachet really pushes me over the edge into diarrhoea, but the half doesn't seem enough. The BM's are harder to pass than I'd like and result in the uncomfortable feeling again afterwards and the spots of blood/weeping. I know I have had less recovery time than you, but when everything else has failed it's tough not to think, 'maybe this hasn't worked either'...

My CRS said approx 2 weeks for fissure heal if everything works fine, longer possibly, and that the incision wouldn't heal for 5-8 weeks and i should expect a little blood and/or discharge during that time.

On that time scale I think we shouldn't worry too much, but then you had the skin tag removed too. I had the stitch in my fissure but no visibility of that to know whether it's helped or not, and of course the botox injection which certainly make the need for a BM urgent when it occurs and keeping flatulence under control almost impossible (much to my wife and kids disappointment!).

I dont have an appointment for returning to the hospital (and new covid restrictions in England seem to make that less likely) but was told they would arrange a telephone appointment for 3 months post op to see how I am and discuss anything further.

As with my broken shoulder, I am being patient, but really had enough of it all.

Time will tell for us both, but suggest if you deteriorate a lot you should ask for an appointment.

Sep 2017 Bilateral inguinal hernia
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby DarkJediFury » 13 Dec 2021, 10:09

So, more days of walking 1-2 miles, only walking not pushing it, and the stools are better formed and firmer, but... I am 17 days post op now and have started to get some bleeding.

Had 3 BM's today, all were fine and no pain afterward, the usual pink weeping on the paper afterward, but after the third this afternoon have some fresh red blood and a little more discomfort (rather than outright pain). Could be a hemeroid bleeding I suppose, since it does still feel quite swolen down there.

It is concerning me a bit so willl see what it's like over the next few days and if it continues, it's a trip to A&E (ED, ER) since I only had the option to call the surgical dept for 2 days after the op. :(

Might start taking the ibuprofen after the morning BM to help keep the swelling under control since I'm back in the office today for the first time.

Sep 2017 Bilateral inguinal hernia
Jun 2018 Epigastric hernia
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Feb 2020 Diltiazem
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