LIS Diary post op

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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby DarkJediFury » 20 Dec 2021, 10:25

So the last few days have not been brilliant. Been on the go a lot with events we had planned all this weekend so the routine was out of the window.

Been constipated for the previous 4 days which made me very uncomfortable but I have been patient and upped my water and fibre level over the last few days to get things moving.

Certainly got moving today. In a bit of pain this afternoon after having 4 BM's so far and large ones at that. No wonder i felt so ropey with that much inside me! Going hasnt been bad and i've been really careful when going and when wiping, but been in the office at work and no sitz bath possible so bit of a sharp pain in the area now. 4/10 maybe 5, so taken ibuprofen and will take a sitz bath and shower when I get in, always seems to help.

Still concerned it's not been successful :(

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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby Worstyear » 29 Dec 2021, 11:03

Hi, how are you doing? Are you feeling better?
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby DarkJediFury » 29 Dec 2021, 11:15

Hi Worstyear, hope you're doing okay

Yes and no is the answer.

I'm still pretty apprehensive about it tbh.

I have had no bleeding since my last post which has been good, stools are a lot more normal now and I have to manage that the same as I did pre op since I am still figuring out about the gluten/cheat free foods i can consume. However I still feel.... different inside after a bowel movement and I am wondering if that's still the incision healing or the fissure still causing mild spasms. Still taking half a sachet of Laxido on a daily basis and expect I will for the foreseeable future.

Not been able to use the sitz baths as often as I'd like due to being out at work, kids sports, family events etc, but still taking moist toilet tissue with me when I can and wiping really carefully (some paper away from home is like wiping your butt with sandpaper!)

Not had ibuprofen for this issue since the last post.

Reading what I've written above does make me think it is improving slowly, but I wont know for certain it's been successful until the Botox wears off towards the end of January I guess.

I don't regret having the LIS at all and would do it again some more if needed. Just the hernia's to deal with at the moment and the request for consult at the hospital is stuck in 'triage' as the prioritise emergent cases.

Sep 2017 Bilateral inguinal hernia
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby Worstyear » 29 Dec 2021, 11:33

If you haven't been using ibuprofen, it is a very good sign! Hang on in there :hugs:
I'm so sorry about the hernia. You probably know this already but i have to work in a desk a lot and i have meetings often, so i cant have sitz more than once a day, and i bought a heat pad some months ago that has been my saviour.
I hope that you heal fast and recover soon!!
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby DarkJediFury » 04 Jan 2022, 04:59

So bit of a tough few days.

Becoming more aware of mild pain or spasms after a BM, so I am assuming the botox injection is starting to wear off. The spasms (if that's what it is) usually go within an hour or two, but getting me down that maybe this hasnt worked.

If it's still the incision causing the pain, It's been 5.5 weeks since the op so not unusual for it to not be completely healed yet.

Crossing my fingers the incision is just taking a bit of time to heal. Had a few spots of weeping from the area yesterday and a day or so of constipation due to crappy food which didnt help.

Back in the office which makes it all harder to manage. Arghh!

Please let me heal... :(

Sep 2017 Bilateral inguinal hernia
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby DarkJediFury » 07 Jan 2022, 03:23

Yesterday was my worst day since the op. Pain which felt like spasms after 3 separate BM's, which would suggest the fissure is not healed and then bleeding after the 3rd BM as well.

No bleeding at all this morning. I am thinking the bleeding might be from the incision and that the volume of stool caused it to open but I have no idea.

Feel better this morning, usual weird feeling after the morning BM which could be subtle spasm, but no bleeding and no sharp pain (yet).

I think part of the issue is that I still dont have a good handle on how much fibre to include in the diet. During the christmas break things were much better and I was having warm protein gluten free oats for breakfast each day. Now I'm back in the office I have been brining cereal in with me consiting of half a bowl of All Bran and half a bowl of gluten free museli. I an thinking the All Bran is pusshing the amount of bran fibre in my diet too high and increasing the size of stool and frequency of BM too high. This being the case I'm going to get up half hour earlier during the week to make my oats and eat breakfast at home before going to the office. See if it helps get a better level of fibre and maybe just have the all bran on occasion.

Telephone appointment due from the CRS Feb 23rd so still some time before I can speak with them about it. Such is the NHS at the moment. My only other recourse would be to go to A&E (ER) but doubt that would get me to speak to any specialist.

Certainly not over for me yet. Hope everyone else is doing okay.

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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby Conifer2 » 07 Jan 2022, 03:40

Hi there - sorry to hear you are having such an up and down journey. If it’s any help I am still healing the fissure - I don’t have any pain from it but it’s sometimes still a bit nippy during bm. I don’t have any of my spasms thankfully but if I can feel what I think might be a tightening sometimes but these eases off after a few hours. I also have some bleeding every 3-7 days depending on things. I was really disheartened by this but the last couple of weeks things seem to be gradually improving and the last couple days have been quite good. Hopefully this will be the same for you too given I am a couple weeks ahead of you.

I have my CRS appointment this evening so I will update my thread with what he says at it might also apply to you a bit since we seem to have sort of similar healing experiences.
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby DarkJediFury » 07 Jan 2022, 08:05

Hope you get some good news from the CRS and thank you for the encouragement. It certainly seems mine is okay each day if I onlt have 1 or 2 BM's. If I have 3 or 4 its not good at all. Pain and bleeding.

I am not abondoning hope just yet and yours does sound somewhat similar to how ine has progressed.

I need to be better with my food and really get a handle on what works and what doesnt which is a lot harder when I am gluten/wheat intollerant and find food restricted as it is.

Looking forward to hearing how you get on with your CRS.

Sep 2017 Bilateral inguinal hernia
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby DarkJediFury » 12 Jan 2022, 02:40

Definitely improved over the last few days. Stopped consuiming the All Bran and got up earlier to make myself gluten free protein oats for breakfast instead. Still have the strange feeling for an hour or so afterward but nowhere near what i was getting before. Still taking half a sachet of Laxido. No bleeding for 3 days now which is good.

Certainly seems that the larger volume, leading to 4 or 5 BM's in a day, and the much softer stool makes it all a lot worse. So getting the balance right to make sure I have properly formed stool , not too soft or hard is the biggest thing I am doing to help at the moment.

Sep 2017 Bilateral inguinal hernia
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Re: LIS Diary post op

Postby Worstyear » 26 Jan 2022, 17:10

hi there! how are you doing?
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