LIS in 15 days

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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Skiponzo » 25 Jun 2016, 19:19

All normal recovery so far. The really hard part is behind you now (pun intended).
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby destrino » 26 Jun 2016, 04:48

1 day post op (DAY 2)
I can walk without problems. I feel some vague pain in the cut, but nothing like the fissure. I have great difficulties peeing after the anesthesia. I hope this will go back to normal pretty quick (need an hour to pee like i it doesnt work). They visited me, operation went good. They did the inspection with finger and it's easier for it to pass than it was pre op but it doesnt seems too different to me. I dont have any incontinence to winds as of now. Maybe they didnt cut me enough. Hope not the case.

Update after Three hours. I still have many problems peeing. I finally did it after an hour and it burnt like hell. I must have an inflamation. I took antibiotic and oki (de-inflamatory med).
I had a look to my cut in the ass. Its not horizontal but vertical. If someone is interested (i doubt that) i can show you a picture. Is your cut horizontal or vertical?
Pain is 2/10 for now (more than pain is disconfort) and i cant really stay sit. No problems walking
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Skiponzo » 26 Jun 2016, 09:04

Yes the cut should be horizontal vice vertical.

Except for the peeling issue This all sounds really good DO. I'm no a doc but I think the peeing thing is fairly normal. I read about it prior to my procedure and believe it's because of the anesthesia. Hopefully it subsides for you today. Congrats on getting to this point. Things are gonna start improving really fast for you now.
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby chachacha » 26 Jun 2016, 09:16

My cut was vertical, and ran parallel to my butt hole. It was about a third of an inch over to the side.

I think that you should contact your doctor about the peeing issue, to see what he/she says about the burning.
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 26 Jun 2016, 09:58

Hi I have had 2 LIS and things seem in track. Relax and stay positive. The first week is recovery week and don't overread into pain and bleeding, it shall pass. Most importantly know that better days lie ahead ! Best wishes
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby destrino » 26 Jun 2016, 10:01

It seems like each hour that passes my peeing issue is getting better. I now peed without Hot water help. They didnt cut hemorrhoids and they now tend to come out even pissing. I hope they have a plan for this..
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby destrino » 27 Jun 2016, 07:57

Day 3 (beginning of)
First BM, nothing too solid since i'm eating like a baby plus taking fibers plus taking laxatives. No pain during BM, some bleeding occured, nothing major. I was scared tho reading other people's experiences here. We'll see next time..
Pain is similar to other days, 2/10 overall, disconfort getting straight up from bed, but i can sit on something soft if i want to. Maybe not for long but some minutes are possible.

I really understood now my new "anus" and it's not looking really beautiful (not that i ever put so much attention on it in the past). The operation changes your fisionomy, it's kind of a mutilation of your "hole and surroundings". I also put a finger in it just to be sure there was no stenosis and the muscle is definately less closed than pre op. I'm not incontinent to gas, but "kind of", meaning i'm not sure i can really keep them inside if i really tried. Maybe not. Not that this bothers me, as long as i don't feel any pain or see hemi coming out.

I'll update when i'll have some news on the matter!
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby SweetT83 » 27 Jun 2016, 14:46
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Irfan Tariq, M.D. answered this Recovery After Hemorrhoidectomy May Take Some Time
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a month ago
In reply to papadog211954 on 2013-06-12 - click to read
Hi , I'm wondering how your procedure went since I have the same issue, scar tissue/keloid after my LIS. Please let me know if the second surgery worked in your case.

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a month ago
In reply to Myassisonfire135900 on 2010-02-14 - click to read
Good Morning all. I had a Splincterotomy done last week. My advice is don't go overboard with stool softeners. Especially when you undergo colonoscopy it will take 2-3 days for your first BM. Just wait it will happen. Mine happened on the third day. A bit of discomfort but you will feel fine soon. If you are going for the procedure go for it. Its fairly safe and nothing to worry.

a few seconds ago
In reply to guest on 2013-02-23 - click to read
I had the LIS proceedure just over 4 weeks ago due to a re-occuring fischer.The surgeon made it sound like a cake walk however, my experience has been the total opposite. The first 2 weeks were unbearable. I eneded up in the emergancy room the weekend following my proceedure due to the unbearable pain and fear of infection. It turned out that the Tremadol they prescribed me for pain was doing nothing and they sent me home with a new prescription for morphine. I was taking 2 morphine pills and 2 Advil 400 gel caps every 4 hours even through the night. Sitz baths helped tremendously as they were really my only relief. The best advice i can give you is be prepared and get as much info as you can before hand, drink lots of water, increase your fiber and avoid all foods that can possibly constipate you, sitz bath after every bm on top of the recomended 3. I have followed all the instructions given to me and 4.5 weeks post surgery i am back to work (light duties) but still full time. Im still not completely healed with a minor infection (even though i sitz bath twice a day still and use sensitive cleansing wipes as well as rinse with moistened toilet paper after every bm and to cleanse any discharge every hour) which i have been prescribed fucidin cream for. I also developed granular tissue at the insicion site which can look scary but its actually normal and healthy but very sensitive, and am still experiencing some light bleeding and still very sensitive and after 8 hrs of retail work i need to lay down and relax the rest of the day. I'm looking forward to when it is all over. I wish you and anyone one else who decides that this form of treatment is neccessary the best of luck and hope your experience is better than mine.
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 27 Jun 2016, 19:09

Hello Destrino, sounds like you are on track! My first few days were painful and after a week things got better quite fast. Don't worry if any pain - it still means you will heal good. My last LIS was 14 years ago now and I remember revisiting the CRS in the first week when I felt the pain increase but false alarm everything was fine . Take care - good progress
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby destrino » 29 Jun 2016, 12:45

Day 5 (beginning of)
I feel more pain than the first days. Zero pain the fissure (they actually did a hole taking away the tissue where the fissure was) but the cut really hurts. Not crazy, but i cant stay sit for more than 10 minutes on a very soft chair. I end up all day lying on the couch.
I drove to the hospital for the checkup after surgery and it was not easy even if it was 10 minutes drive. The real problem is then the cut, not the fissure anymore. The medic said its all in track and he put a finger to test if everything was ok..and i bled.. I'll probably stay home another whole 10 days before work (pc programmer).
So what can you expect to be capable of after five days?
-walking not really straight and not more than 200 mt at a time.
-stairs yes
-jumping no
-Running no
-lifting better not
-driving maybe but not for long

Probably with strong painkillers you might be able to do everything
Last edited by destrino on 29 Jun 2016, 12:57, edited 1 time in total.
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