LIS in 15 days

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Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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LIS in 15 days

Postby destrino » 10 Jun 2016, 05:01

hi everyone, i'm unfortunately in this community sharing my experience and seeking for mental support.
It all started 4 months ago, bad pain after a single BM and a weird "pain in the ass" for the rest of the day. I never experienced something like that and i got worried. The days after were similar, morning all fine, but after the BM thing went crazy, with pain for 6 to 8 hours after. I am a programmer so i have to stay seated 8 hours every day and this pain got me crazy.
I tried every cream possible and only rectogesic worked but it couldn't heal the fissure. The first day i stopped it after 6 weeks..she opened up again. This thing has conditioned my life for the past 4 months and i looked for a specialist colonrectal surgeant who told me that the only way is going for LIS. He also said i would go with spinal anesthesia which freaked me out even more.
I've never went through an operation, i'm 29, so this is all "not funny" to me. Also i have what i believe it is a 3rd degree hemorroid (only 1 block coming out and needs to be put back inside by finger) but the doctor said that with fissure you cant really be sure if it's really hemorroids or not. First you treat the fissure, then you'll see what's really there. He's probably going to cut the hemorroid if it's really there tho (i'm imagining this part, but it's freaking me out even more cause hemorroidectomy is very painful for what i've red).

I red many experiences in this forum, and i feel that general consensus say "it's not a complicated operation, do it" but i would like some support if you have some to give, either for lis or hemorroidectomy and spinal anesthesia (scared of needles) :(

One thing is for sure: this pain ruined my spring and made me really sad cause i feel lost when it kicks in, i don't know if i'll ever be ok again. Another question to whom had lis: how's the pain after? can you sit without pain? will i be able to swim after a month or so? Will i be able to work at the computer? when nearly? i know each one of us si different, but please give me some advices

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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby chachacha » 10 Jun 2016, 08:17

One thing you are correct about is that everyone is very different, because fissures come in all shapes and sizes, are located in different areas, and surgical techniques differ from doctor to doctor.

My LIS changed what was a disaster of a life into a beautiful one and was the best decision that I could have made. It took about 3 weeks before I could sit back down at my beloved computer after the procedure, and that was very hard, but clearly would be even harder for someone like you, who codes for a living. I was probably able to sit with a very soft and thick pillow after the end of week two, but please don't use a "donut" cushion because they are known to cause hemmorhoids, and that's the last thing that you want. I used a couch seat cushion, because it was foam-filled and very thick, because I found bed or throw cushions were too "solid", if that makes any sense. It was very awkward to place such a large, extra "seat" on my computer chair, but was worth it to get my fingers back on the keyboard after such a long time away.

I also had grade three hemmorhoids (two of them) that prolapsed after every bowel movement and had to be reduced digitally, but have not had them come out since the surgery. The surgeon was quite surprised by this, and so was I, but that certainly made things much better than they were before too! I actually had one day of VERY severe pain following the surgery, but I don't think that it was at all related to what the doctor actually did. After the surgery, I had a lot of swollen tissue at the anal entrance, and because of my grade three hemmorhoid issue, I ASSumed that the doctor hadn't pushed my hemmies back in, so tried to do so myself. I pushed and pushed, but failed to get them to go back in and believe that I caused the severe pain by doing so. Once that swollen tissue calmed down again, things moved along quickly and the pain was never anything like that I'd had before the surgery. Those swollen tissues ended up being skin tags which my surgeon said will be permanent (they became much smaller as the weeks went on), but I can easily live with a few tags around my anus if that's the cost of no longer suffering terribly for hours on end with the fissure. I'm 18 months out now, by the way, and am still doing really, really well.

Also, I wouldn't assume that your surgeon will be cutting your hemmorhoid, because he/she may be like mine and believe that the less cutting the better, because down the road, the fewer scars you have, the better.

My experience with spinal anaesthetic has also been good, even though I had a general with my LIS. Both of my children were born via C-section and I had spinals at those times. I only felt a small prick when they administered the local anaesthetic, and didn't feel the main spinal needle go in at all. I also recovered well and regained my legs quite quickly after those surgeries.

All the best with your surgery and I hope that you'll come back to update us on your progress.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
LIS January, 2015
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby TFog » 21 Jun 2016, 21:57

I had my surgery over a year ago and I am happy to report that my ass has not controlled my life since then. That said, we have a very close relationship and I am very cognizant of what I eat. I think one single hard stool caused my AF and I am determined to never go there again. Psyllium every day - I avoid certain foods - I exercise. Frankly, I am probably taking better care of my body than I ever did before, but I can honestly say, I feel great (and when I was suffering the AF, I wondered if I would ever feel OK again). Best wishes to you.
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby destrino » 23 Jun 2016, 05:05

how much time will i need to being able to stay seated in your opinion?
I want to go on vacation in two months and i totally want to swim and explore the land walking. Do you think i'll have problems doing that? My OP is in two days and i'm a little nervous.
As of right now i'm in pain nearly two days every week, it's hard to imagine having pain all the time after the operation.

Post-op will i have pain all day? Technically the only cut they'll make inside is the one taking away the skin tags..the other cut is external so it shoulnd't make that much of pain.
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Hopeful1 » 23 Jun 2016, 07:34

The recovery can be quite uncomfortable at times, and takes several months. Everybody is different.

It's been 3 months since my LIS and the surgical pain is gone. Still some discomfort from the fissure though.
Haemorrhoids: for about 8 years - lived with it
Rubber Band Ligation: Spring 2015
Anal Skin Tag Removal: Summer 2015 (missed sentinel pile)
Fissure diagnosed: Aug/Sep 2015
GTN unsuccessful
LIS: 17 March 2016
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Skiponzo » 23 Jun 2016, 09:44

I had what I would term as "bad" pain for 24 hours but only took 1 Oxy pill and then needed just Tylenol for a couple weeks afterward. 10 days after surgery I flew across the US and spent a week walking Disneyworld. My CRS said she had folks in my position that went on an African Safari. It really all depends on your situation and your doctors skill but I'd say you'll be fine to go on vacation. I'm 3 months post op and while the surgery site no longer hurts (that took about 2.5 months to go away) I am still getting little irritations and pinching pains from the fissure site occasionally.....ever since surgery the pain is no where near what the fissure gave me.
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Sunset » 23 Jun 2016, 12:14

Hey guys,
It's been 5 days since my surgeries
(Hemorrhoidectomy and
Spincterotomy )
I would encourage you to do it. And I hope that it will be a success and quick full recover for you. I couldn't take the fissure pain one more day and thought recovery process isn't easy I have no regrets. (I did post my story- not sure if I did that in the right place though)

So far things have been good- not horrible but not 100% (I know it takes time) but all I want right now is to be able to play with my kids !
I feel like I've missed out on so much in the past few months and have fallen into depression that in trying to get out of

I have a question for those who have done the surgeries..

This is the day five, but today I had strong pain after bowel movement. Strong and sharp, I sat straight in tub after and pain lasted maybe 20mins. It wasn't as bad as before- no awful hours of spasms. But is the pain normal?
Only wondering cause first four days were not that painful?
Bowel movements are very soft,
Almost too soft - I think I'm so scared that I eat way too much fibre.
I know everyone's healing is different and unique but does
Anyone know how long till I will be able to have a bowel movement and not need to wait 20-30mins till I can get up and be normal.
I am greatful that it's not 7-8hours of pain, but I just want my normal life back
Even my little kids say "uh-o" when they see me go into the washroom :verysad:
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Skiponzo » 23 Jun 2016, 13:02

I can sympathize with the wanting to play with your kids feeling. I coach my kids baseball teams and am a scout leader for both of them as well. This spring was the toughest time I have ever had doing something I love (coach baseball and camp) because every single little thing took so much effort (and I had lost 25+ pounds). It's so nice to have my life back. Brings a tear to my eye every time I stop and think about it.

First of all yes that pain is pretty normal. Though I was lucky enough to have the BM pains subside immediately after surgery most do not get that lucky. I know you don't want to hear this (I didn't) but 5 days is a very short time and you will probably be experiencing some form of pain or discomfort for the next few months. Many on here told me it would be up to a year until I was 100% and I scoffed at that. Now 3 month in I'm not scoffing anymore. Pain is very minimal comparatively but it's a long road to hoe to full recovery.

As for the fiber intake. I'd suggest getting to the daily recommended amount SLOOOOOWLY. My system really rebelled at the increased intake (I have an active system anyway) and it is still adjusting to the 32-37 grams a day I take.
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Sunset » 23 Jun 2016, 17:59

So glad you're feeling better and able to enjoy your kids and the summer! Hope you stay in the best of health and fissure free for life!
I guess you are right about slowly up the fibre intake, I think I'm just so scared about everything I eat. Haven't eaten meat or bread yet, just fruits, and veggies mostly, and I think that's the problem. I guess I should try adding a little whole grains and things like that.
I've never in my life been constiptated (except that one time on antibiotics) I'm always very regular and no issues, but this whole fissure ordeal is making me scared to eat.. I just never want to face that pain again
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby destrino » 24 Jun 2016, 10:18

well thanks for all your answers. Surgery is going to me tomorrow morning, pray for me :)
I'm scared about everything at this point: spinal anesthesia, the hospital (as building), creepy hospital rooms, needles, having to stay there a night, scared that they could cut me too much provoking incontinence or major pain post-op but even scared they will cut not enough to make the pain go away.

I need to stay positive i guess, i kinda have no choice (and this thing is burning crazy even now, i can't take this shitty quality life anymore). Office hours feel literally like WEEKS on a chair.
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