LIS in 15 days

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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 13 Jul 2016, 18:52

So glad you have made it this far.
Thanks for posting . I myself have had 2 LIS each a decade apart and I firmly believe each time it changed my life.
Best of luck
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby destrino » 10 Aug 2016, 17:25

Here i am again asking for an opinion. Recovery was great until today (7 weeks after lis), the cut is kinda healed, the fissure is slowly getting smaller. Today i ate out and food had something wrong. I had diarrhea three hours later with some sign of blood on the paper. Later (and even now, three hours later) some pain started, similar to the fissure pain. Im kinda worried now... Can diarrhea do that? I so hope its not related to the fissure itself :( please gimme some opinions :) i had zero pain since surgery, i dont want it to ever come back!!
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 19 Aug 2016, 09:38

Dear Destrino,
Hopefully it's something temporary. I am going through something similar - I am seeing my CRS today to see how much I have healed. I think setbacks happen - diarrhea can do that sometimes but hopefully it's something very minor. Diarrhea can irritate the fissure too so stay off the laxatives till it resolves.
Let me know how you do. Stay strong
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby destrino » 19 Aug 2016, 09:56

yes i had discomfort for that day, a little less the day after and then is all went away.
I'm now (nearly) 2 months after surgery and i feel good. Some itching sometimes there, the fissure is still not totally closed but i don't see it as a problem since i'm in no pain.
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Skiponzo » 19 Aug 2016, 10:07

The big D has been my problem from the get go. I am one that did not have this occur due to constipation but the other end of that spectrum (pun intended).

Glad to hear it's better for you but please be aware set backs and small issues will probably continue occur. I'm now 5 months post LIS and I still have some minor irritation and "tweaking" pain occasionally but nothing like before.

Many on this site told me it would be up to a year before I was consider my rear as normal again. I scoffed at that at first. Not anymore.
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 20 Aug 2016, 07:43

Hi Destrino and Skipponzo,
Glad you are better D. I couldn't agree more with Skiponzo. This is a slow road. Dealing with a small retear and I had weeks of normalcy I between before work travel out of country on long flights took me backwards. My CRS said one thing of great wisdom hard to follow
"Don't overthink you behind"
Take care
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Mypoorbutt » 20 Aug 2016, 08:59

Hi skiponzo,
I too got my fissure from D rather than C could often go 10/15 times a day I am working really hard to get that sorted and so far it's working...mostly.
I have had Botox with fissurotomy to help my fissure heal a bit before I have LIS later this year as apparently it's one of the worst my CRS has seen.
How did you find the LIS went did the D make it take longer to heal do you think, that is my big worry that the amount of times I go will have a huge impact, although I am trying to minimise how often I do go.
Would really appreciate it if you could give me some advise as I have not spoken to someone who got their fissure through D rather than C
Thanks in advance
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Skiponzo » 22 Aug 2016, 10:04

Hello MPB! Sorry for the delayed response. My fissure was definitely caused by D or rather by the acidic fluids in my system. I didn't/don't go as often as you (I'd say on a regular day - prior to the fissure rearing it's ugly head - I'd go 3 or 4 times). I'm not really certain you could have called what happened when I went D officially as it used to be more sludge like than watery but what I have learned is that the continued 'erosion' of my anal cavity due to the high acidic content eventually caused my fissure.

I have an alcohol issue. Not really an alcoholic but maybe more of a functional alcoholic so over time I have figured out that the alcohol is what's causing the high acidic content in my gut. I am getting this under control through diet and will power. I actually stopped drinking for 4 months and that helped but it was also during the time I was trying to heal without LIS so I was still in a lot of pain. I had my LIS on 23MAR16 and over the last 5 months I have ramped my fiber intake up to around 35 grams a day and I am much better about making sure I eat a lot of fruit and veggies (previously I ate a low fat low carb diet for years so I've always watched what I eat, workout regularly etc but I never ate any fruit or veggies). Now my diet is pretty much the same everyday (Bfast: banana, fiber cereal or WW toast with peanut butter, egg, yogurt; lunch: Sandwich on WW bread and an apple; Dinner: Some veggie (peas, salads green beans, corn, etc), brown rice and some meat (fish, chicken or beef). Never worried about that end of the body until the fissure started last I can't stop thinking about it.
I still go between 2-4 times a day but its not sludge like anymore.

I didn't get here immediately after surgery though and I would venture to guess that the amount of times per day I go slowed the process of healing down. How much I can't say. What I did for the first 3-3.5 months after LIS was to take 2 baths a day. 1 in the AM after my morning movement and 1 at night after my post dinner movement so that any residue was cleaned immediately. I also used a portable bidet when/if I went during the day and I still (and probably always will) use baby wipes vice TP.

In the long run this whole experience will make me healthier overall but man what a terrible way to go about getting to the end result. Feel free to ask any questions.

Oh and YES. I consider my LIS one of the best decisions I have ever made.
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Mypoorbutt » 22 Aug 2016, 10:35

Thanx Skiponzo,
Mine is soften sludgy to just liquid but with the help of psyllium I'm managing to get them more solid so am hoping I can make that a permanent change, although when I'm stressed nothing works. It certainly feels acidic when it comes out.
I do feel better to know that you still managed to heal even going 2/4 times a day as that has always been what has worried me I assumed going often would just totally stop any healing but plainly it hadn't stopped it for you, I don't mind it being slow as long as it happens eventually.
I don't use TP anymore I use a shower or baby wipes as TP just hurts too much.
I feel better talking to someone who had their fissure due to D as it gives me hope that all is not lost even if my IBD decides to play up, thank you for replying
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Re: LIS in 15 days

Postby Pugluver88 » 02 Sep 2016, 04:20

How did you deal with itching ?
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