by destrino » 19 Dec 2016, 04:14
i'm back after some months. I nearly stopped bleeding now (6 months post op) but "bleeding" was one or two drops on the paper after BM so it's not really "bleeding". I guess there's not much of a point in writing if everything is good, but a bit of reassurance can always be good for people in pain. LIS is not fun. Not because it's complicated or dangerous, but because it's an operation and this will come for every operation (needles, discomfort, staying in the hospital one night and waiting to heal some time). But if you're reading this and you're in pain, do it, now. Don't think, my doctor didn't give me a true option. He just said "you can go on forever with creams and lotions, but you'll never get out of it. What do you want to do? Pain forever or fixing things?" ..and he was right. I never even heard his name nor he was well known or something, i had to trust him and this (lis) is something that just changes your life. I never felt pain again, maybe sometimes it burns if something acid and not really solid is coming out during a BM but it happens maybe once every month and lasts for an hour or so, but it's 0.5/10 compared to the fissure pain. gosh i still remember it..i couldn't stay sit and i'm a programmer..that was a real tragedy, not even considering how i felt mentally. Do it!!