by destrino » 13 Jul 2016, 09:20
Day 18:
i think and hope my quest is nearly over. The cut doesn't hurt anymore, maybe some itching sometimes, it's still closing itself properly and i started loosing the stitches. BM of any kind no pain at all. I still have some green/yellow stuff coming out from the fissure site, but i'm keeping it clean washing it many times each day. The fissure itself was still an open hole 5 days ago, i didn't check now but i hope it's starting to close even if a little bit of blood is still coming out during BM. Not in the water, just on the paper, a drop or two.
No incontinence at all, not even gas (maybe a little to gas if it's very strong). The doctor said i'm recovering even faster than other patients. I'm not even caring too much about what i eat, just taking fibers every day to have at least 1BM/day.
So, in my opinion LIS can fail in two ways:
1-if they don't cut enough the muscle. This is important, it avoids spasms (after a BM now i find so easy to control it, with the fissure the muscle tried to close itself super quick after bm).
2 and maybe critical part-if they don't remove the tissue regarding the fissure. It's critical. I literally have A HOLE where the fissure was. Even if i have a huge piece of *you know what* coming out, there is no tissue there anymore, it's like the area can enlarge itself WAY more than before, avoiding cuts and tearing. Even if this area is open, it does not hurt in any way, not even bm. Sounds strange but it's like that. So in my opinion this surgery can fail if they just leave the fissure there as it is. Only loosening the muscle i don't think it's enough to solve everything safely...but i'm not a doctor.
I can now do kinda everything (apart from going with bike, still better to avoid that for a while).
I hope my quest is over and will not have to report anything more for the future. I will come assisting people who need help in any case. Wish me luck!
If you're reading this and you have pain all day long, or you just feel you're loosing your control about your life (even driving is real tough with a painful fissure), GO for lis. Don't waste your time on other ways, i'm one of so many that tried EVERYTHING since i'm totally scared about hospitals and needles. This thing ruined my life for 6 months, i was scared but i realized there was no other way to go on. For now, it paid off! Do it!