Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby xxstaciexx » 31 Jul 2016, 07:13

I'm the other way I suffer with ibs so I am always on the loo! Must go about 3-4 time a day. That's what I'm panicking about so much.
Nice to hear that your recoveries are really good and pain is not as bad.
It's Sunday now so I keep telling myself just today and tomorrow to do and ill be on my way!
I think the waiting is horrible too xxxx
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby Shoelady23 » 31 Jul 2016, 07:20

If you don't mind me asking you how did they diagnose your IBS? I swear I think I have it because there is never any happy medium with me either I can't go or I'm running for the bathroom.I have looked up the symptoms which I know trying to diagnose yourself is a no no but I'm desperate I just want to know what test I can take.And I'm sorry you're always running to the bathroom that is so fustrating to say the least I feel your pain I truly do :(
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby xxstaciexx » 31 Jul 2016, 07:58

No course I don't mind Hun.
I had my gallbladder removed in 2007. Literally straight afterwards I was going to the toilet constantly and it was running from me. Sorry tmi. Lol. It got to the point I was losing so much weight I decided to go to the hospital. I was also in pain with my stomach and didn't know why etc.
I was admitted there and they did a number of tests, blood tests, stool tests etc and couldn't find any infection or any underlying cause so they diagnosed ibs.
From then I was put on medication, mebeverine (colofac) and also buscopan which is an anti spasm helps with cramps etc.
I still go to the bathroom 3-4 times a days but at least that is more bearable than 10 times or more.
Not sure where you are from but both medications that I take can be bought from a local chemist too xxxxxxxxx
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby Shoelady23 » 31 Jul 2016, 08:03

Thank you for explaining that to me..
I'm in the US I'm going to talk to my doctor about it stupid me never did.
Stay strong an I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers :)
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby xxstaciexx » 31 Jul 2016, 08:27

Yeh Defo go to Drs.
They will run some tests for you.
You could try doing a food diary too, see if you can see a pattern of when your tummy is bad xxxxxx
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby Luka » 31 Jul 2016, 08:29

I'm pretty sure I have IBS, too, although I've never been officially diagnosed. Never had horrible cramps or bleeding, though, just slight cramps and bowels that are definitely affected by my nerves. My BMs are never consistent, either, and I alternate between harder and looser stools sometimes (although my stools tend to be on the much looser side, probably due to the acid reflux medication I take, which is Prilosec and tends to cause that in people). I worry if this will impact my healing after LIS, but my CRS didn't seem too concerned about looser stools. I worry about when I might get constipated, which is random and sometimes related to my period. I can't predict how things will be and with me being so upset and nervous all the time related to all this, it's even more difficult. : ( So I can relate to the IBS issues.

Did you ever get a colonoscopy, xxstaciexx?

Still thinking of you and also keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. This will all be over soon and you can move on with your life and concentrate on healing. : )
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
History of IBS and anxiety disorder, along with fear of using bathrooms other than my own caused it.
Tried Diltiazem, but eventually developed a rash.
LIS surgery scheduled August 26th.
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby xxstaciexx » 31 Jul 2016, 08:35

Ahh thankyou!!!
No I never had a colonoscopy just had the blood tests and the stool tests.
I'm same too, mine are always loose and I think that's why I'm worrying about the lis surgery, but same as your surgeon mine doesn't seem too concerned at all.
I honestly can't remember ever being constipated or anything to cause the fissure. I could well have done because my memory is awful lol!
I had a Csection last year and my bowels were still loose but I do remember taking codeine so I may have had that one hard stool that could of caused it.
I think Drs here seem to be more concerned if your screaming in agony with your tummy and literally gushing of blood. Our local hospital isn't great tbh. Xxxxxxxx
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby Luka » 31 Jul 2016, 09:32

Thank you for the quick reply, xxstaciexx. Yeah, IBS is a tricky thing. And it's true that doctors don't seem too concerned unless you're bleeding or in a ton of cramping pain. I never got blood tests or stool tests, but I think I will request them on my next doctor's visit, which is in a couple of weeks. I just need to know what's going on with me.

Thanks for the info!
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
History of IBS and anxiety disorder, along with fear of using bathrooms other than my own caused it.
Tried Diltiazem, but eventually developed a rash.
LIS surgery scheduled August 26th.
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby xxstaciexx » 31 Jul 2016, 10:42

No worries!
Yeah Defo request them,
See how you go.
Let me know how you get on Aswell X X X X X X X x
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby xxstaciexx » 01 Aug 2016, 06:59

Surgery tomorrow xxxxx
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