Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby xxstaciexx » 04 Aug 2016, 09:13

Honestly Hun please don't be frightened! You will be so much much better I promise you!
Don't know much about the fissurectomay Hun as I didn't have that done but my mother in law did. She said it was okay. Have you got to have both done?
Yes they are being little terrors and running round chasing each other lol. Xxxxxxxxxxx
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby Luka » 04 Aug 2016, 09:31

Thank you for the kind words, Stacie. : ) I just want this all to be over and my butt to not be so tight anymore. I've always been such a tightass!

My CRS said he will have to do a fissurectomy since the fissure has been there for so long. He has to smooth out the tissue and cut the scar tissue or else it won't heal properly. This along with the LIS should allow the area to finally be able to heal properly. I heard recovery is more painful and longer with fissurectomies. : (

He has never gotten a good look at it, though, because I'm just too tight, so this is going to be an "exam under anesthesia" with possible LIS/fissurectomy depending on what he finds. My date is set for the 26th. I know I'll be more and more freaked as that date approaches, so I hope I can get some anti-anxiety meds for that. I could have made an appointment for the 12th, but chickened out. : (
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby xxstaciexx » 04 Aug 2016, 09:47

Ahh Hun pls try not to worry too much.
Yeah I would definitely ask Drs for some anxiety meds to help you with sleep. Especially prior to surgery Hun.
Everyone reacts different to surgeries Hun but remember to take your pain meds and plenty of nice long soaks in the bath. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby Luka » 04 Aug 2016, 09:53

Thank you, Stacie. I will try not to worry, although I've been a worry-wart my whole life. It just runs in the family. I will definitely ask for some relaxing meds, though.

I hope the rest of your recovery goes smoothly. : ) Keep us updated when you are up to it. And enjoy your new kitty! :D
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby Luka » 08 Aug 2016, 12:46

How are you doing, Stacie? I hope your recovery is going well. : )
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby xxstaciexx » 08 Aug 2016, 13:30

Hi Hun!
I'm doing really well thankyou. How are you?
Recovery has been really good. I only took painkillers the first day of my operation.
Been having a bath once a day as I much prefer showers so I have 2 of those daily lol.
The banding procedure I would say was a lot more uncomfortable for me. The pressure drove me insane for a few days.
Other than that all is good and I can't believe it's been a week tomorrow. Gone so fast! Xxxxxxxxx
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby Luka » 09 Aug 2016, 09:25

Wow, that's great to hear, Stacie! : ) So glad you're doing so well. I hope I do as well as you in my recovery.

I'm okay, although still in pain. : ( Trying not to freak out too much about the surgery. Going to call my CRS today to request some Valium or Xanax for the days before surgery, because I will probably need it.

Glad you're doing well. : ) Hope you're enjoying your new kitty and taking it easy.
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby Luka » 17 Aug 2016, 08:40

How are things going, Stacie? I hope you are doing well in your recovery.
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
History of IBS and anxiety disorder, along with fear of using bathrooms other than my own caused it.
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby xxstaciexx » 17 Aug 2016, 09:37

Hi Luka!!
How are you?
I wa demand to post yesterday as the 2 weeks mark and I totally forgot lol!!
I am doing really well thankyou.
Can still feel a slight discomfort. It's the left side so I'm not entirely sure whether that's the lis surgery or where the fissure is! Still nowhere near as painful as before surgery when the fissure days were bad.
I get a slight sting sometimes then the itch. The itching is probably the worst part for me, have to totally occupy my brain so I don't think about it lol!
I would definitely say that the banding was more uncomfortable for me. I have no idea how many the surgeon banded. But it was uncomfortable. Actually feeling like you need the toilet constantly was a nightmare.
My ibs is being a pain the last few days. I actually thought I had picked up a tummy bug but no one else in the house has got it so I'm guessing the IBS is having its turn to annoy me this week lol!
Hope you are doing well Hun cxxxxxxxx
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Re: Lis surgery this Tuesday 2/8/2016

Postby Luka » 17 Aug 2016, 11:50

Glad to hear things are getting better for you. : ) I hope your IBS gets better soon, too.

I can't remember what you said, but did you have any prep with the surgery?

As my surgery date gets closer, I'm starting to freak out a lot more. : ( My anxiety is getting worse. I hope I will be okay. Everything is just getting to me.

Wish you the best with the rest of your recovery. :)
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
History of IBS and anxiety disorder, along with fear of using bathrooms other than my own caused it.
Tried Diltiazem, but eventually developed a rash.
LIS surgery scheduled August 26th.
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