My next appointment is supposed to be 2 weeks from my surgery (last Friday) but I haven't got the confirmation for that yet. I took a lot of laxatives last night and painfully purged this AM. was the worst pain I have ever experienced, or perhaps it was painful like the hemorrhoidectomy I had 12 years ago! Didn't help that is was liquid but I don't think solid would have come out! I have a patch where my LIS site was that is now 'peeled off' and cauterized. About the size of a thumb nail is what the CRS said he was going to do-it's called wound debridement. Not only do my muscles absolutely refuse to relax and let anything pass on that side but the second my BM touches it I get the worst spasms and get nauseous and almost pass out. I did not see this coming. Had no idea he wanted to remove that much skin! After all that purging (2.5 days worth of food-I have never skipped a day in like 10 years) it is throbbing down there like a free nerve ending! My gurgling gut won't let me take anything other than acetaminophen for it so I tried an ice pack for a bit. Will have to keep with that as it may have helped some. I sure hope my body can somehow amazingly heal through this daily trauma. My pelvic floor is most uncooperative
Anyway, I find it really interesting that these bumps are all on the incision side. That is what I had form. It was one long weird-shaped half-clover (as my CRS put it) that went from front to back on the incision side. It was an abcess. It would ooze puss and serous (yellow) fluid and get better with antibiotics but then kept coming back. That is what lead to the surgery I just had. Many times I remarked how that swelled up area felt just like strangulated hemmies! Not to alarm you but it sounds like you may not have hemmies there. Maybe it's just post-surgical swelling. I was told that would take up to 10 weeks to normalize.