Nervous but fed up

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Nervous but fed up

Postby IronicTwist » 10 Nov 2016, 15:48

Ok. Im sick of the pain, discomfort and general need to rely on meds to feel normal.

After 6 weeks of GTN and corticosteroid suppositories, I went to the hospital to sign the release form for LIS. I was seen by 2 young female surgeons who performed a digital exam to reasses the situation. (I have been feeling a little better compared to last month but the fissure seems to be flaring up again hence the decision). I admit, being a man it did feel a little awkward having 2 female docs looking at the mess down there but as long as they take care of me, Im all for it. One doc mentioned she saw my fissure on the 7 oclock position which did raise some suspition but nothing to worry about provided the fissure heals post op. The CRS i went to last month never mentioned this and said I had a superficial posterior internal fissure with no sentinel even though I did feel a hard lump close to the fissure site. Today they told me otherwise. My concern isnt the LIS itself anymore its new info that the fissure may in fact be on the side or I may have multiple.

Considering I have a fissure in a posterolateral quadrant, is this a sure sign there is an underlying cause for the fissures like crohns, ibs etc or should I not worry and this could occasionally happen and not necessarily mean anything. Im scared sh*#&ess that the fissure could be a sign of something permanent. I know I sound like a worry-wart but I just need a little peace of mind and reassurance. Has anybody gone through similar? Building the courage for LIS was enough of a battle in itself. Ive never been operated before!
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Re: Nervous but fed up

Postby Mypoorbutt » 10 Nov 2016, 16:24

Hi IT,
sorry to hear your suffering, I have just had LIS after 18 months of agony and hell.
I have a large posterior fissure and a smaller one at 4. I also have both IBS and crohns but when I had my Botox a few months ago my surgeon tested the fissure and it came up negative for peri anal crohns so please don't worry too much about the position of your fissure...we are rarely perfectly symmetrical and it's probably just a bit off centre. If your CRS is worried he will do a biopsy. Are you having any other symptoms if so I would let him know. My surgeon specialises in IBDs and says that even people with crohns rarely develop peri anal crohns.
It's bad enough worrying about the op try not to worry about exactly where your fissure is...your surgeon will do everything in your interests and if he feels there is even a slight risk I'm sure he will test. If is response is to leave it to see if you heal then that is probably because you are not showing any symptoms of IBS or crohns. If he is a good well respected surgeon he probably sees a lot of fissures.
I hope you get your op soon and healing goes smoothly
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Re: Nervous but fed up

Postby IronicTwist » 10 Nov 2016, 16:40

Thank you so much for the response MPB. Trust me. Its worth alot. Hearing your ordeal is a little saddening and my heart goes out to you. One things for sure, your response is first hand experience so that puts me at ease. Thanks again. I went to a GP that misdiagnosed the af for hemmis and the af went untreated. Went to a general surgeon at the hospital who was the first to suggest LIS but it was a rushed decision so I went to the CRS who unfortunately seemed a little uninterested to treat me considering I dont have health insurance or at least thats what I sensed so I went back to the hospital and scheduled surgery, this time I was seen by the 2 girls who were really kind and reassuring. Tbh, if it wasnt for their sincere and reassuring approach, id probably be here a nervous wreck and unsure if this is the right decision. They told me that the operation is more of a minor intervention at most and they had positive feedback all round that their patients feel minimal pain post op with no side effects. So hey. Lets see if they can save my a$$. Thanks again
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Re: Nervous but fed up

Postby Mypoorbutt » 10 Nov 2016, 17:00

Your welcome and thank you,
Yes I was told it was my hems for about 2 months until I hadn't slept for 3 weeks and was in constant spasm where they referred me to the hospital as an emergency....the general surgeon couldn't see my fissure but gave me GTN which did was only when I paid private to see my current CRS who is one of the most respected in IBDs that I finally got a diagnosis.
The two girls sound very concerned and interested and that speaks many dr do not even want to listen to what we are saying.
Having only had the op Tuesday I wouldn't really like to comment on how easy it butt hurts obviously, but not as much as when I had the Botox. There are lots of really good posts on here about LIS to read. I'm sure you will be fine as you haven't let it drag on and are sorting it out quickly.
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Re: Nervous but fed up

Postby IronicTwist » 10 Nov 2016, 17:10

It has been getting better but I cant imagine having this pain for ANOTHER 5 months. Enough is enough. I have a high pressure job and on occasion I have to travel and this is just a monkey wrench thrown into a moving machine. As I said. Enough. GTN helps alot as I can feel my sphincter as hard as a rock when applying. Slowly I can feel it subside letting me be able to pass gas at least which in itself is a huge relief. Ive been reading the forum for about 3 months gathering info and reading experiences and overall, it was the forum that really helped push the decision for LIS. Seeing so many testimonials of people saying "why didnt I do this before?" Is enough to convince me. Better 2 weeks of pain than this constant incertainty on if tomorrow will be a good or bad day and constantly looking at food as "how bad are you going to beat the crap outta me?"
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Re: Nervous but fed up

Postby Mypoorbutt » 10 Nov 2016, 17:55

I'm assuming your in America....and your the UK if your female they only offer LIS as a last resort and then only after everything else has failed...I mean I like you I have to force gas out there is no way a little cut will make me incontinent just coz I'm a woman lol.
No one should have to live with this pain it's unreasonable, as for food I have lived solely on bread potatoes and protein for 18 months now as they are the only things that my bowel and so my fissure can be relied upon to should not have to be looked upon as a form of inadvertent torture.
I would have had the LIS after 3 weeks of spasms if only someone had let go for it ASAP as I'm sure the quicker you get it done the quicker you will heal.
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Re: Nervous but fed up

Postby IronicTwist » 10 Nov 2016, 18:24

Im actually in Portugal. They offered me surgery from get go. It actually scared the crap out of me which is why I was so reluctant at first but the surgeon told me that the hypertonicity in my sphincter was severe an even if I did heal, it would most like reoccur, so might as well get it done.
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Re: Nervous but fed up

Postby Mypoorbutt » 11 Nov 2016, 04:10

Wow that's great they offered it you so quickly. Yes the sooner it's done the sooner your back to normal. Surgery is scary....I had never had it before my fissure...but it's not half as scary as living in constant pain and fear.
Good luck
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Re: Nervous but fed up

Postby IronicTwist » 16 Nov 2016, 13:22

Letter arrived in the mail today to go and get bloodwork and ecg done on the 23rd at the hospital. Seems like the ball is moving. Wonder how long it takes after that to get operated...
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Re: Nervous but fed up

Postby Mypoorbutt » 16 Nov 2016, 13:33

Yay happy for you IT,
Here in the Uk it's anything from a matter of 2/3 days to 4/5 Botox was 3 weeks. LIS was 5 days.
Your nearly there now at least it will be before Christmas
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