Fistula surgery

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Fistula surgery

Postby jobber » 13 Jun 2015, 12:31

I am based in London and would like information about a specialist surgeon anyone would recommend in London for surgery to a fistula.
I have seen someone privately who works out of St.George's but I was not overly convinced. I read so many scare stories about bad outcomes it is putting me off. But now I think the situation is worsening and I need to do something about it. I am concerned how much time I will need to take off work and how long and painfulll the post op period will be.
I am in two minds as to whether to go privately as the NHS is slow and my experience with it, patchy.

So can anyone recommend someone in London to go to? Names I have heard are Prof Robin Phillips, Prof. Kumar, Mr Carapeti, I want an honest, professional approach to the issue, if it means spending money I am willing to do it.

Many thanks
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Re: Fistula surgery

Postby Savaici » 13 Jun 2015, 12:56

Welcome to the forum. 'Sorry' you have to be here, but at least you found us :wel:

I only know of one surgeon in London, Jobber, that others on our forum have used (though mostly for fissure surgery), and he comes with excellent recommendations. His name is Mr. Windsor, and this is the link for him below. Also might I suggest that you do a search on the forum for Windsor. Go to the link between FAQ and Portal above (not the search on the right), and once there enter the specifics under "Message text only" and you should come up with posts with Windsor in them. One of our admins travelled from outside the UK to see him. Two of our Modeators have also seen him. ... in-windsor
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Re: Fistula surgery

Postby jobber » 13 Jun 2015, 12:59


That was quick! Thanks for the reply. All the best. Jobber
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