surgery #3

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Re: surgery #3

Postby happyass » 26 Jun 2009, 17:05

well juney although i can relate to some part of your ordeal minus the surgeries of how your butt is feeling, that is what drew the line for me to seek out the help of a CRS.
if you ever need another opinion and are in the northern virginia/washington, dc metro area, look for dr. thomas wright in annandale, va.
i am hoping this is not what will go on forever.
you will find the answers.
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Re: surgery #3

Postby juney » 26 Jun 2009, 17:10

i've only seen 2 CRS's so far (1 did 1 surgery), plus a general surgeon (who did 2 surgeries) and a GI dr (who did sigmoidoscopy).
i have 2 appts in the next 2 weeks with new CRSs....praying they can offer something other than "give it time" or "sorry".
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Re: surgery #3

Postby Deleted User 5 » 26 Jun 2009, 17:32

What about a pain specialist, Juney? I cannot remember if you have ever mentioned seeing one or not?
Deleted User 5

Re: surgery #3

Postby Jen » 26 Jun 2009, 19:00

Juney -
I am SO SO SO glad you are going to see more CRS's. It can not make matters worse. New eyes on your butt is a good thing. I have ALWAYSED believed in your healing - we just need to find the right doctor for you. It will happen. Is the doctor your seeing in July a CRS?
This is far fetched, but I need to bring it up again...It just seams to much of a coincidence that your hemmie is right next to the inflammed area/fissure site. This is what happened to me - you can even go back and read my old posts. The hemmie would swell, and cause the fissure to rip - they were right next to each other. After I had the hemmie removed, my daily pain was gone and I only retore every couple weeks due to scar tissue & spasms after that. Never again, did I have daily pain. I still needed LIS in the end, but I am 100% convinced that my small, little hemmie caused all my fissure problems. I know I have told you this story before, but it is just worth asking the next CRS you see.
Please keep us updated. You are always in my thoughts and prayers Juney! ALWAYS!
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Re: surgery #3

Postby juney » 01 Jul 2009, 21:36

saw the new CRS today. in addition to a fissure he says my a** is spasming so bad he could barely get his finger in there. nobody ever told me i had spasms before and i've never consciously felt them! how could this be happening after 2 sphincterotomies and the fissurectomy?! i know i completely ripped myself a new one in february after months of trying to heal from surgery.
so he prescribed me diltazem and lidocaine to use twice a day, along with some type of hydrocortisone suppositories even though i told him i've used HC for months already.
i'm so frustrated i do'nt even know what to do. this will never end.
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Re: surgery #3

Postby derryboy » 02 Jul 2009, 00:54

so sorry you are going through all this pain.
another fissure Image . diltazem helped me but took about 2/3 weeks tbh before i felt a change. also if your butt is going into spasms so much, maybe taking a low dose of valium wil help things out to.butts eh who would want them
i know its hard and very frustrating for you. but having a new crs might just be what you and your butt needs to heal this thing. hang in there girl.......
sorry i cant be any more help,
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Re: surgery #3

Postby Guest » 02 Jul 2009, 04:11

I am sorry to hear your appointment was , well a waste of time Huh !? Image
Juney, before my LIS on exam I was told I was spasming heavily too but I did not feel spasms, spasms defined to me are like more like contractions and mine were not like that but a 24/7 tightness, the way I describe it was like someone clenching my anus !
I hope the creams can get you through this , will you see him again and what happens if the creams do not help , did he have any suggestions ??
Image Image Image Image Image Image

Re: surgery #3

Postby pinky » 02 Jul 2009, 06:26

Dear Juney,did he find a fissure?Did you tell him youve used Hydrocortisone before?i dont think its a good idea to use so much he a good crs?did u find out about him?im sure u can find a good crs if u can find out on this board.Its very frustrating not knowing what will help.
I continue to pray for ur healing.
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Re: surgery #3

Postby juney » 02 Jul 2009, 09:32

he is a good CRS, over 25 years of experience dealing with this type of thing...i did my research on him b/c of course i'm paranoid about someone new. not a super compassionate bedside manner but he knows his stuff...besides having a super caring dr doesn't always help (ie. my most recent surgeon was nice but didn't ultimately help me and completely ran out of ideas).
i've already had 3 surgeries, including 2 sphincterotomies!!!!! i've been dealing with this for 3 years, i've tried everything possible. and now i'm back to square one. how is my sphincter still so tight?! i find it hard to believe it's as simpled as using some diltiazem cream and "poof it's gone!" i think my history will complicate things, especially the mass of scar tissue that hurts and stretches. i'll give this a try but i don't have much hope. :(
dazzy - i'm on wellbutrin so i don't know how valium would mix with that. i'll ask my dr. in the meantime i have some muscle relaxers from my ex-boyfriend and i'm gonna research the mix of those w/ my A/D. i'm considering using heroin at this point if it'll make me feel better!!!
tabby - i'll see him in 3 or 4 weeks. i doubt i'll notice a difference by then and i got the feeling he wanted to try botox next. what bullsh*T!!!!! i've already had 3 surgeries and now i'm supposed to backtrack to botox?!
pinky - yes he saw a fissure. didn't say how big or anything, just said as long as it's hurting me so bad it doesn't matter how big or small it is. and yah i told him i've used HC for months off and on. he said another small amount of time shouldn't make things worse.
so my entire situation is pretty hopeless. i can't believe i'm at this point after 3 years and 3 surgeries. it's maddening to me. yesterday i put a razor to my wrist and pushed down until i saw blood but couldn't go further with it. i just want out of this.
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Re: surgery #3

Postby derryboy » 02 Jul 2009, 09:51

i'm considering using heroin at this point if it'll make me feel better!!!
wtf are you mad,,, heroin wont help sh8, infact will only interduce further health issues,
cant you go to your a & e dept tonight, and tell them your in so much bad pain, you`d be dealt with there and then.
but ffs heroin, its madness even talking like that.
and you say you dont know how valium wuld react with ur other meds.... why worry if heroin is on your thinking lisit.
butt surgi gets us all down , i have had, hemmie, polyps, perianal, abscess,laid open fstula surgi, my butts a war zone, and very sore, agony at times, but to think or even mention heroin is madnessss,
go to a & e and get checked in. fast track yourself, if the health service wont
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