Prepare for surgery

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Re: Prepare for surgery

Postby kkmark » 22 Jul 2013, 13:07

Today feeling better had good BM.eating light everyday adding brown rice to my diet.i guess I was tensed n stressed out probably that made it worse. Taking miralax colace and Metamucil fiber .
Thank you yes added prune juice to my diet when
do u generally eat prunes like night or at lunch.Also taking bananas.
Thank u guys hope it's gng to be good with my BM.
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Re: Prepare for surgery

Postby Ever the Optimist » 23 Jul 2013, 00:56

That's good to read Kathy!
Honestly, if you have a bad BM, please don't worry too much about it - if you keep eating well & drinking lots, the next one is generally pretty normal again! :) 
LOL I used to hate prunes because I was eating the dried variety and then recently I tried out the "soaked-in juice" ones......Wow - really yummy. Now I have to be careful how many I eat!!
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: Prepare for surgery

Postby kkmark » 23 Jul 2013, 08:46

Yes it's been better since Sunday having better BM I guess Metamucil miralax n colace n lots of water is helping but still have throbbing pain after BM even after I do sitz bath. So have to take 1 pain killer.tomorrow have follow up I guess he will tighten my seton would you recommend taking 2 pain killer before I leave Bcoz I m scared it will hurt when he is doing it.
I am not big fan of prunes. When do u take prunes at night or in the morning.
Thanks guys recovering slowly.
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Re: Prepare for surgery

Postby rebornbutt » 23 Jul 2013, 10:07

Hi Kathy,
I usually took prunes at nite when I am ready for BM. Morning I will take abit of guava and bananas. Prunes are really potent because I will go running to the toilet after taking 4-5 pieces.
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Re: Prepare for surgery

Postby kkmark » 23 Jul 2013, 10:26

I just took prune juice the day I was constipated I am scared to take it As it might make go as u said. Taking Metamucil n miralax n this is helping. Hope ur bleeding stopped and ur dng ok. Tomorrow have follow up n scared as hell Bcoz I think he will tighten my seton so planning to take pain killer before I leave:)
Thank u reborn take care..
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Re: Prepare for surgery

Postby Ever the Optimist » 24 Jul 2013, 15:14

Hi Kathy, :) 
I eat my prunes in the morning mainly but am thinking of moving them to around lunch time instead because my afternoon BM is never as straight forward as my BM first thing!! and I'm kind of working on making them come out more easily!!
All the very best tomorrow with your appointment - I can't believe that you are already round to that stage already. I think it's a good idea that you take a couple of painkillers prior to it because it may be a little uncomfortable for you but you'll be OK. It's still normal to get some throbbing after a BM too but it will also improve with time - honestly!
Sounds like you have mastered the art of soft BM's! That really helps a LOT.
Good luck tomorrow and let us know how you get on x
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: Prepare for surgery

Postby kkmark » 24 Jul 2013, 16:08

I wa worried he was gng tighten it which he didn't he said it would be next visit i was so freaked out when I visited him today my hubby was like u were little brave for surgery than this I guess Bcoz I am awake an do know where he is gn to check :) so my crs said I am doing good an dealing good yay...
Yes my BM r better lots of water n colace, Metamucil and miralax is helping its all u buddies giving me tips thank u when I am up straight gng for BM done with it first thing in the morn.. So probably will start having prunes with my breakfast.i generally have 1 BM everyday that's nice u have 2 in a day healthy for u:)
Thank u guys my doctor said I can go back to work I am thinking to go back to work next Monday stil not comfy sitting on left side where all my surgery is done
So thank you guys keeps me updated
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Re: Prepare for surgery

Postby Ever the Optimist » 27 Jul 2013, 01:45

Hi Kathy,
I'm glad to read you are already healing up nicely! and they didn't do the Seton just yet too. It's just a matter of time and healing now - in a few weeks, hopefully, you'll be there!
Going back to work for me was not a bad thing, if anything it was a distraction from it all and I have to agree that a donut for me was not at all comfortable - I found a soft pillow to be the best of all too. Driving was a little uncomfortable initially but it gets better & better....My work were aware of my op and they were very accommodating and sympathetic.
Yes, keeping the BM's soft, so as to lessen any pressure in the area is the best thing you can do. It's good both the metamucil & the miralax are doing their jobs! and of course all the fluids too. I'm struggling a bit at the moment to keep the really soft stools! It's so hot here in the UK, I really feel the weather has had a massive impact! I'm having to be careful NOT to overdo the fibre and just keep drinking lots.....I would rather have the one BM a day (LOL!) but yes, it's healthy to have the two I guess........Keep healing well! Image
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
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Re: Prepare for surgery

Postby kkmark » 27 Jul 2013, 16:54

Yes it's getting better day by day now trying to sit on both sides n not tha much pain still in my mind don't put pressure.
Yes I am glad abt seton tightening its 2 more weeks n guess by then I won't feel anything. Do u know anyone who had seton in this website who had problems.a little worried abt the work on Monday hope I can sit 8 hrs I will try to walk ever few min so that I don't put pressure too BM r pretty sure getting better with very little pain:) yay
Thanks for being with me thru this it's been hard few days
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Re: Prepare for surgery

Postby Ever the Optimist » 28 Jul 2013, 02:52

Hi Kathy,
It's a pleasure to be able to help you! Any form of anal issue is horrible, let alone having to get surgery down there, so it's great to have all the support you can get, particularly as it's something that most people don't have a clue about or run a mile from!!....
TBH, I can't recall anyone recently with a Seton but I know for a fact there are people who've had them here. There was one user, Zee, on this site, who had two fistulae and one required a seton but he did really well & just went from strength to strength (infact, I don't think he posts anymore) If you search on "Seton" (top right of screen) you will find lots of posters that have had these I'm sure & be able to read of their accounts. It's actually been quite quiet on the Fistula posts for the last few weeks.
It's always nerve-wracking going back to work I agree! but I would say make your work aware of everything so they can be supportive of your needs. I don't know about in the US but in the UK, we have very tough regulations in work places for looking after employees and basically, to the extent, that whatever you need for recovery is what you get!
(as long as backed up with medical evidence) - so if you need to work less hours/ need special arrangements & adjustments to your work station/ duties, you get them to help assist you in healing well.....The worst issue for me was the mental prospect of having a BM whilst at work!! but it's OK once you work out your coping strategies. The anticipation of the RTW is the worst - Once you are back, it's never actually as bad you imagine & for me, was actually quite a welcome distraction from it all!!..........
Really pleased and happy for you to read that your BM's are much better. You are doing really really well!! :D
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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