Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby LJP6 » 01 Mar 2015, 23:51

Hi all

I am new to this forum and as bad as it sounds it's nice to hear that there are so many other people sufferring with chronic fissures and other bum related pains!

I have been battling for years from a young age and at 26 I am still suffering at the moment with an AF. I am from the UK but travelling in New Zealand so I am having to seek medical care here. Probably the botox injection ... Third times a charm.

I am thinking of trying to LIS but is it more successful than the botox? It seems like you have all gone through a lot of post op pain the same as i had when i had a partial haemmorhoidectomy 2years ago the post op pain is something i never wish to experience again!!

Any advice on which option would be helpful

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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby JHH » 14 Mar 2015, 03:06

Hey R.

I hope you are doing better these days. How was your follow up?

- Fissure developed in Jan '13
- Started rectogesic in Feb '13 and diltiazem Apr '13.
- Got botox Jun '13
- Healed by Okt '13, although I still had some irritation for about a year.
- New fissure April '22, healed June 2022
- New fissure 24. December 2023
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby msimon » 14 Mar 2015, 12:16

Yes, Rachael, how did your follow up go?
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby Rachael 1984 » 18 Mar 2015, 08:50

Hi Everyone!

Well an update...... I saw the CRS last Thursday and he said the fissures have healed. I am still left with pain though, so he thinks its neuropathic. He won't do another LIS as he says my pressure has dropped and he thinks i would get leakage if he cuts again.... i still feel like i have fissures though ;((((((

i had a breakdown on Friday morning and just thought that im never going to be totally pain free! now, i am better than i was, but will still get 1-2 days in the week where i am sore/Burning and in pain. i am on Amytripaline which i think is helping with the mental side....not too sure about the pain, or if i am healed and the CRS is right!

i went to my GP and she thinks we should get a second opinion and go from there.... he basically told me to live with it, and i can't and won't accept that. My GP said there are treatments for neuropathic pain, if it is that??? so, i will go to see another CRS and see.... AGHHHHHH!

Thankyou everyone for your support... xxxxxxx :afsmile:
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
Ongoing pain/re-tears. Awaiting pressure test results.
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby jlm1 » 18 Mar 2015, 10:19

Sorry you are still suffering. I had botox in July and it healed my fissure. But then I got an abscess and a fistula, which I had surgery for in October. All is healed but I am still having burning at times and discomfort. I was told that it's neuropathic pain. I have been doing physical therapy for a few months which is helping. And electrical stimulation which I started in PT and now have my own tens machine and that helps too.I have also been doing herbal thing. (herb farm skull cap for nerve pain) I am going to start neurontin soon. So you are not alone! But I'm sorry you are still in pain. I was also told to give it more time. Ugh...
fissure May 2014
nitro, diltiazem
botox July
fistula surgery, piece of skin tag removed Oct
fissure declared healed Dec
currently have burning/pain-told it is nerve pain
physical therapy, sitz baths, valium suppositories
hoping I am healing
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby msimon » 18 Mar 2015, 12:45

Rachael I am so happy to hear you have healed. May I ask how he determined that (spreading of things or a scope)? I know it doesn't feel great when you are still in pain but it is a HUGE success! The best thing about it is it means no more surgery and now you can get the other things to sort out. I really think in time your body will start to forget all that trauma and the pain will subside. What about a pelvic floor therapist who could evaluate nerve/muscle pain more?

I am still stuck at the healing stage and am anticipating a similar battle with that 'pain memory' if and when I can finally heal from this last surgery.

How long have you been on the amytryptaline? Are you on a low dose?
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby JHH » 22 Mar 2015, 13:02

That was not the news I was hoping for R.

I guess it's a step in the right direction if it really has healed, but I know the goal for you, is to be pain free. A second opinion sounds like a good idea!

Besides, you had pain for such a long time, so maybe it takes your body a long time to unlearn the pain. I know nerves heal very slowly, so time might help.

- Fissure developed in Jan '13
- Started rectogesic in Feb '13 and diltiazem Apr '13.
- Got botox Jun '13
- Healed by Okt '13, although I still had some irritation for about a year.
- New fissure April '22, healed June 2022
- New fissure 24. December 2023
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