Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

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Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby Roidsfizzman » 07 Jan 2015, 10:39

Hi Rachael,

I am sorry to hear that LIS has not worked for you and that you are in pain once again. I am glad to see that you are open to a second LIS. I wish you the best and hope the New Year will bring you some good health.

After my LIS I was on the edge of being able to control my stools as I only had a couple of minutes to find a rest room or the stool was coming out ready or not. That lasted about 3 or 4 months and then the muscle tighten and today it feels like it was before surgery. If my doctor had been any more conservative in the length of the cut, I believe that I would not have healed.

I am convinced that the doctor doing the procedure makes a major difference in those who heal and those who have issues after LIS surgery.
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby woundedspirit » 08 Jan 2015, 16:41

:smilyhug: Wish I had some answers for all of us. Hugs to all.
Hemorrhoid Surgery
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby Rachael 1984 » 12 Jan 2015, 10:10

Thanks Roids. And wounded....

Well I'm pretty much back at square one...... Pain on BM for the last few days.... Not glass, but stool scratching past both fissures And everything clamps so tight that I'm struggling to get the BM out. I'm definately not constipated and the stools are soft, but my muscle doesn't want to release. Ugh pain all day long, grinding me down.
I've been on Amytripaline and I was hoping it would help. Sleep great on it and it has stopped the anxiousness, but nothing for pain..... The spasms are sheer hell. Using wheat bag which helps, started on Nitro again... Anybody got any ideas on how I can relax the muscle more? Started baths again too, although they were making me sorer a few weeks ago.

I have the pressure tests tomorrow.... Then I'm hoping it'll show I need another LIS.
This is just so depressing and thoughts of wanting to jump in front of a train aren't nice. Just severing my lower half would be great, numb from the waist down, no more fissure pain/ spasms...

Roids, my surgeon said he was being conservative and only cut a pin prick size incision. I'm so scared of it not working next time now..... But I suppose it's better to cut again some more than be left with other issues from over cutting.... Ugh.

God help me!! Thanks everyone. Xxx
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
Ongoing pain/re-tears. Awaiting pressure test results.
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby msimon » 12 Jan 2015, 12:32

I'm so sorry things haven't worked for you yet Rachael. I too continue to struggle and am currently waiting to see my pelvic pain specialist as my levator muscles are/always were just as detrimental to my fissure as the internal sphincter as far as clamping during the BM goes. Do you think your pelvic floor may be part of the problem? Have you ever tried to work out the muscles vaginally? This brings me mixed relief.

Do you know if you got an open or closed LIS? Do you know how much your Doc cut of the muscle? And why so little? I wonder if an oral muscle relaxant would be of help to you (something like Baclofen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baclofen). I think I am going to try this again.

I hope your pressure test goes well and that you can finally get some lasting help very soon. Let us know how it goes.
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby woundedspirit » 12 Jan 2015, 13:12

Thinking of you today knowing you are having the pressure testing done. :)
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby hopefulbutt » 12 Jan 2015, 19:51

Rachel, so sorry to hear all this. I am in the same not healing boat as we'll. I had a second lis though and it helped much more than the first. At least i can function now, even though there is pain still. At the very least- a second lis will get rid of the spams. Let us know how the ultrasound and pressure tests went. I will be looking into another opinion this spring myself.
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby Fissurefrustration » 18 Jan 2015, 14:12

:smilyhug: Huge Hugs Rachael,

how are you doing now?

J x
Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby Rachael 1984 » 19 Jan 2015, 03:54

Thankyou all....

Well I had the pressure tests, but I'm waiting for the results.... I don't know how long it will be again. I'll be calling the hospital to try and find out..... I'm sick of being in pain and waiting around all of the time. I can't see anything good again at the moment and on certain days the pain is so bad I want to die! I'm in some kind of pain most of the time, and some odd days where I have 1 BM I can just manage. So on those days I do more, which then exhausts me... I need to go back to work next month, or I'll be on half pay. My partner has just had an op on his wrist and arm, he's self employed, so no pay for him for a few months. We need to pay our bills etc still, so life goes on. I wonder what I've done to deserve this.

I haven't got the strength to keep fighting this, I'm into the third year now and I just want to be pain free..... Thankyou all for your support. I haven't been on lately as much as I would, but some days I just can't face anything....

Rachael. Xxxxxx
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
Ongoing pain/re-tears. Awaiting pressure test results.
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby JHH » 19 Jan 2015, 14:34

Hey R.

Don't give up.

If the test shows high pressure, another LIS could very well end your pain hell. If the pressure has dropped, a flap might be the best option. Either way, there are ways out of this. Just keep fighting OK!

- Fissure developed in Jan '13
- Started rectogesic in Feb '13 and diltiazem Apr '13.
- Got botox Jun '13
- Healed by Okt '13, although I still had some irritation for about a year.
- New fissure April '22, healed June 2022
- New fissure 24. December 2023
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Re: Rachael 1984 LIS Diary

Postby Rachael 1984 » 23 Jan 2015, 04:40

Hi J,
Good to hear from you... Hope you're okay.

I trying to keep positive but it's hard.... I'm into the 3rd year now and it's killing me.
I'm going to contact the hospital and see if she can tell me how long the follow up is going to be to see the CRS.
Just getting up every day and having a BM is an effort. Ugh I hate my bum.
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
Ongoing pain/re-tears. Awaiting pressure test results.
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