by Rachael 1984 » 13 Feb 2015, 11:29
Hi all, thank you for thinking of me.
Well, I have a follow up appointment on the 12th March. Waiting again... I've been having a good run, was coping okay back at work, only doing 3 days. Today has been bad though, pain all day, knife sharp pains. Felt it scrape in BM on the left.
I plummet straight back into that black hole when it's this bad, and it's made worse when I've had better days.
Sigh....... I don't think I'm ever going to have a normal bottom!
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
Ongoing pain/re-tears. Awaiting pressure test results.