Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby MattMecham » 30 Mar 2011, 18:46

I want to thank you all for the thoughts and kind words. I have been out of surgery for about nine hours now, and the endocet 10-325 tab the surgeon prescribed seemed to be doing the trick pretty well of pain management. I have been taking one tablet every two hours instead of two every four hours, and that took a throbbing pain of about "8" down to a 2 or 3; however, with the dose I took at 3pm, I started to feel the throb coming back at 4:30pm (instead of 5:00pm, the two hour mark), and the dose I took at 5:00pm started to wear off pretty good by about 6:00pm. That's a little worrisome, since it's a little late in the day to get a hold of my doctor and have him write me a stronger prescription until tomorrow.
I know that pain management is half the battle of healing; what would you all suggest? I certainly don't have the stabbing pain of the fissure -- it's more of a deep-seated throb, as if someone kicked me in the butt really, really hard with a big boot.
Maybe the throbbing pain will be lessened by tomorrow -- I sure hate playing the waiting game!
Again, thank you all -- you truly are wonderful people.
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby alpinestrawberry » 31 Mar 2011, 11:18

Hi Matt,
Glad you made it through! Sorry the level of pain is high, hopefully you've gotten it under control a bit more by now. I was able to combine ibuprofen with my narcotic prescription (Norco) and this gave much better relief than the narcotic alone. BUT, they didn't tell me this at the hospital--I had to call my surgeon's office to find out. Actually, I didn't get very complete advice from either the hospital or the surgeon. If I have one complaint, it is that. It seems everyone on this board has received different aftercare instructions regarding ointment use, baths, etc. I have stitches so I'm not supposed to take long hot baths, but I am allowed 20 minute sitz baths and I can sit on a heating pad or ice pack (but again, I had to call and ask to find that out!)
It is a deeper pain post-surgery than the fissure...but for me, the worst of that was over within 3-4 days. You are probably going to also feel your fissure for several weeks until it heals, because it was so big and so deep. By now I'll bet you've gotten rid of the packing, if there was any...I found it caused me a LOT more pain and felt better immediately once I took it out, about 4 hours after surgery.
Stay off your butt and stay off your feet, and things should get better quickly.
Best wishes!
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby MattMecham » 31 Mar 2011, 15:04

You're right, Alpine -- the pain is much more manageable today. I only used my percocet (well, "endocet") for about 8 hours yesterday, and then I took only one early this morning, at 3 am, and here it is 3 pm, and I've only had about four ibuprofen since 6am, and I feel fine. Oh, it's a bit tender down there, especially if I pucker, but I can hobble around a bit (getting to the bathroom and what not, or fixing myself a bowl of soup), and rest comfortably in a semi-prone or prone position. Still haven't had that first post-op bowel movement, though -- still a bit skeered of that one! But I did just take the packing out about thirty minutes ago, and it already feels better.
Thanks for the replies and discussion, folks -- I'll keep you posted. Image
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby MattMecham » 31 Mar 2011, 15:07

Oh, and one other note -- the discomfort I have right now, just 16 hours after having my butt cut on, is about the same as with the fissure on a GOOD day! So at this point, I am grateful. Still, that first bowel movement . . . why can't I stop obsessing over it!?!?!?! Image
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby alpinestrawberry » 31 Mar 2011, 16:41

Well you probably can't stop obsessing over it, because it's freaking scary! I'm only 8 days out of surgery, so I can relate for sure. I just took plenty of Miralax and it didn't hurt at all when it happened.
Actually you might be surpised to find that it hurts less than it did before, with the fissure.
It will be okay.
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby javier91 » 31 Mar 2011, 17:28

Hey! I'm really happy everything is going on more or less ok. I'm pretty sure it's better to cope with the post-op pain, than with the fissure's for over 2 and a half years. Did you get local anesthesia? Believe it or not, that's getting me a bit frightened about the procedure, they say it's horribly painful!!
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby MattMecham » 01 Apr 2011, 08:58

Thanks for the encouraging words, Alpine. I have been taking one dose of Miralax per day for the past three days -- one dose on Wednesday after the surgery, one dose yesterday afternoon, and one dose this morning. I have also been taking two stool softeners a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, the docusate type. I've also been eating a lot of applesauce and high-fiber tomato soup, plus drinking about 7 bottles of water a day. Does that sound sufficient to counteract narcotics-induced constipation? How often do you take Miralax, and do you take a full dose each time (up to the white line)? What type of stool softeners do you use? I've heard that the docusate softeners are garbage.
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby MattMecham » 01 Apr 2011, 09:02

javier91 wrote:Hey! I'm really happy everything is going on more or less ok. I'm pretty sure it's better to cope with the post-op pain, than with the fissure's for over 2 and a half years. Did you get local anesthesia? Believe it or not, that's getting me a bit frightened about the procedure, they say it's horribly painful!!

Thank you, Javier -- I'm only three days out of surgery, so I'm waiting to see what I feel like several days from now. I got the kind of anesthesia that knocks you completely out -- dead asleep. I'm not sure what kind that is, can't remember, but it was nice to not even know that I had been worked on.
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby alpinestrawberry » 01 Apr 2011, 09:06

Yeah, the docusate stuff is pretty much garbage, it works very inconsistently. But taking it won't hurt, along with your diet and your full Miralax dose, that should be enough.
Before surgery all I needed was 1 tsp of Miralax a day, so when I was taking the narcotics, I upped it to 3 tsps for a few days. Sorry, I'm not sure how that translates into the measuring cap-dose that comes with the bottle. Everyone has to experiment to find the perfect Miralax dose for them; for me that stuff is like Drano. I have to be very careful with it!
I think you're going to be just fine. Did you have any skin tag removal along with the LIS? I didn't, and that may be why I'm feeling pretty darn good 9 days out.
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby alpinestrawberry » 01 Apr 2011, 09:08

Oh, and the anesthesia...I honestly don't know why they wouldn't knock you out for this. I also love not remembering a damn thing about the surgery.
But, I was desperate enough to do it under a local, if that would have been my only option.
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