A full dose of Miralax is 4 teaspoons. From all my messing around with it, I feel I can say that with some certainty! Some of us cannot handle as much of it. When I was post surgery, I upped mine to 3 1/2 or 4 teaspoons a day (I was like Alpine at only 1 tsp pre LIS), took the fiber supplement (Citrucel) the Dr. recommended and also took 3 generic Colace per day. It seemed to offset the narcotics just fine. When I went off those meds, I dropped the Colace (which is very inconsistent and doesn't help me much) and then dropped the Citrucel after a few days because it was causing some digestive upset (or at least I thought it was!). Ever since (6 weeks later) I have been dropping my Miralax down gradually. I tried stopping it this week and going with Benefiber alone, but am now taking 1/2 teapsoon Beneber and 1/2 teaspoon Miralax. I think the Miralax is great for those first few weeks and I wouldn't mess with it if you find an amount that works well for you. I just started having bowels that were too loose and frequent as a few on here do with Miralax. It is great for softening consistently!
Glad things are going ok so far. I agree with Alpine that if you are taking the Miralax, that first BM won't be too bad. The pain I had was more of a bruised feeling on the incision side- not a sharp feeling. A to be expected feeling but nothing terrible.
Good luck and be sure to really baby yourself!