Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

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Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby MattMecham » 29 Mar 2011, 14:28

Hi. I'm really glad I found this website -- I hate to say it, but I am happy to have others who have suffered through these dang fissures, and have a good idea of what I'm talking about.
I've suffered from an anal fissure on and off for the past two and a half years. It hits really hard, hangs around for two to three months, and then goes away for a few months, only to return in all of its terrible glory. I have used many conservative measures and lots of home remedies (diltiazem cream, wheatgrass cream, amoils fissure oil, stool softeners, etc.). The fissure is really big -- a colonoscope on Friday showed that it was over a half inch long, and penetrated to the sphincter muscle, so it's definitely chronic. The conservative measures I used gave relief to the symptoms, but since the fissure never heals, and since it is so big, the symptoms always come back with a hard stool, several bouts of diarrhea, stress, whatever.
So, the surgeon I saw, who has done this surgery over one hundred times with huge success, recommended the LIS surgery. I am ready for it -- two and a half years of this garbage is ENOUGH! I go in tomorrow, and I must say that I am very nervous, though I trust my surgeon's skills. I've prayed a lot about this, as has my family and coworkers, and it is an overall good feeling that this surgery needs to take place to relieve the pain of this fissure, and promote healing, and that this particular surgeon is a good one to use (he's listed as a general, but he belongs to a very prestigious surgical group, and has an impressive track record with LIS. Plus, we have no colorectal surgeons down here). I will let you all know how it goes, though I will say that I am really, REALLY scared of that first post-op bowel movement! Image
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby New mum » 29 Mar 2011, 14:58

Good luck for tomorrow u will do just fine. The first bm is not as bad as u think if u read back on any ones posts they say the same thing. But dont worry I stresses so much about it.
Let us know how u go.
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby MattMecham » 29 Mar 2011, 15:02

I'll tell you what, mum -- for the last 15 years, I kind of got out of the habit of praying, but there is nothing like an anal fissure to bring a person to his knees, and start scrambling frantically to find God and mercy. I will definitely pray for all of you who are suffering with this garbage. Thanks, mum, for the words of encouragement -- every little bit takes some of the fear and trepidation away. God bless you.
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby Bambi » 29 Mar 2011, 16:00

I'll keep you in my prayers as well Matt. I made it through the surgery and the first BM just fine (the incision site tended to have more pain than the fissure, but as others have said it is more of a bruised feeling and not the same as the fissure). And I am a big wimp! Hang in there!
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby Downthere » 29 Mar 2011, 16:16

I certainly don't pray much either, but I sure do pray for good luck with your LIS.
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby sidra1968 » 29 Mar 2011, 19:16

Lol at the praying true!
Don't sweat the surgery, it's a flipping breeze compared to fissure pain...
Let us know when you're back!
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby MattMecham » 29 Mar 2011, 19:24

It helps a lot just to know that you all are there, and know what's going on. Thank you so much for your responses. Image
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby Elphie » 30 Mar 2011, 06:42

Good luck today. ALL the gods r looking down on you today! You'll do great!
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby alpinestrawberry » 30 Mar 2011, 06:48

Wow, it sounds like your fissure is an absolute monster!
You're doing the right thing having the surgery! I'm one week out of surgery and not in any pain anymore unless I walk around too much. The first few days were more intense than any fissure pain I ever had but I had painkillers for that, and it was all very manageable.
I think you'll be so glad when you wake up and it's over. The tradeoff of a little more pain now and less in the future is so worth it!
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Re: Scheduled LIS surgery for tomorrow

Postby Savaici » 30 Mar 2011, 09:22

I wish you all the very best for today. And my thoughts are out there with everyone else's too. Hope to see good news from you. Sounds like you have taken the right path!!! Lots of finger crossing, prayers, etc. Em
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