Hello, I am a 28yr male, I just recently had an LIS on 12/21/17. The CRS said it was a textbook procedure and there were no complications. So far I have been feeling great until today, I had a BM this morning which had a little bit of bleeding which now has led to spasms. I know it has only been a couple of weeks but I am worried that I have opened the fissure again. To add, I have been battling OAB which seems to have gotten better after the surgery. But now after today the frequency has picked up. The CRS said the fissure was near the scrotum and was serverly torn down to the muscle.
To describe my spasms, it almost feels like a flutter, more like a muscle twitch in your arm or an eye murmur. It isn’t painful, but sort of annoying. I only feel it when I am laying down or in the bath. The area where these flutters are is pretty much deep in the rectum.
I just want to know what to expect? Since I am still having spasms does that mean my LIS failed? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.