Still having fissures since LIS

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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Katie » 09 Jun 2018, 13:34

I get that I'm on movicol it I'm soft but if I get a bigger toilet it steches the area and gets sore you can use coconut before and after on outside and inside and in your bath x
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 11 Jun 2018, 15:07

Lolo I have the same problem. For no reason i can get a harder then usual BM, or what is referred to as a “plug” on this forum (ie first 10% hard, remaining 90% of stool soft). It is so frustrating. I’m so ridiculously careful with what I eat too. I’m trying mini doses of Movicol more regularly to see if that helps. By mini I mean 2.5g every other day. It’s a quarter of the recommended dose.
Deleted User 7114

Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 11 Jun 2018, 15:59

Hi hedgehogbum,
I’m on a similar product to Movicol (I live in Canada so it’s calles Restorolax, in US I think it’s miralax- all have same ingredient). Even though I take it religiously I still get occasional hard stool or first 10% hard like you mentioned). So weird!

For the past three days I’ve been taking a bit of coconut oil - I eat about half tsp per day. Gotta tell ya, my BMs are lovely and soft! So keep that tip in mind (a lot of people on this forum talk about it). I’ve also started using it on my rear end to lubricate before a BM and works well too. My naturopath is ordering me some coconut oil suppositories which should be easier to apply as the stuff melts as soon as you touch it!

I’ve also been reading a lot about stress and BMs (how stress can cause hard BMs). Problem is, you can’t avoid all stress in life! My current fissures happened a couple of weeks after I broke my ankle (period of high stress for sure!).

Anyways, thought I’d share what I’m trying in case it helps you.
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 12 Jun 2018, 06:28

Hi Lolo,

Yes please do keep sharing! There is nothing like support from someone who knows exactly what I am going through. This morning I had the most painful BM, just like pre-op days. On the tip there were three streaks of blood in a Y shape. I don't know what is going on. The BM itself was so soft it was barely formed. I'm worried about taking too much Movicol/Restorolax because it makes me go several times a day, which makes the situation worse. Also my BMs are generally soft. I'm going to try taking a quarter of the normal dose over 4 days to see whether I tolerate that any better. I do think that the hemorrhoids created after surgery are responsible for a lot of my pain, but this morning I can see four cuts on my anus. Not sure what that's all about although my CRS doesn't seem in the slightest bit concerned. He told me to put nappy/diaper cream on it. I'm not finding that to be beneficial in the slightest though.

Thanks for the coconut oil tip! I will definitely try eating it. I like the taste which is a bonus, although I would eat anything if there was a chance it would heal me! I've also just ordered some suppository moulds to make my own coconut oil suppositories.

As for stress, that's a tough one. It is so hard to eliminate all forms of stress. I've started doing yoga again and maybe I should start meditation for an added dose of stress relief. Lol, it's ironic, but the main stress in my life at the moment is caused by rear end pain! I hope I'm not creating a vicious circle :)
Deleted User 7114

Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 12 Jun 2018, 08:14

Hi Hedgehogbum,
I just wrote you a long reply and somehow my session timed out and deleted it! So here's the abridged version....

Let's see if we can figure some stuff out together here - some things to think about:

Cuts on anus - I get little cuts and a rash externally. Dr told me this can happen (cuts/mini fissures on skin around anus). My Dr gave me a cream called Viaderm that helps - ask your Dr

Lubrication - are you lubricating before BM? That really helps me. If stools are already soft, maybe that's all you need - try some coconut oil right before BM. It will coat fissure and let BM slide past it

Tightness - you mentioned you feel tighter since LIS. I've developed scar tissue apparently from LISs. This is less elastic and causes discomfort. Takes 2 years to soften (according to Dr). Maybe that's what you are experiencing.

Sitz baths - are you doing 2-3/day, esp after BMs?

Stress - I know, such a vicious circle! This is such a stressful situation. I do believe stress makes things tighten up, and can also mess up BMs. I have no advice on this one! But do know that you are not alone, that fissures can heal, that you are doing everything you can, and try to do things that make you feel "normal" and that distract your mind. Do yoga, meditate, pray, etc anything to help you relax. Go for a walk (I can't do that one right now as I have a bloody broken ankle!).
Anyways, we are all in the same boat. Hang in there! Just take it one day at a time.
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 12 Jun 2018, 08:50

Lolo, thank you so much for your post, it makes me feel so much better! :smilyhug:

I have lost so many posts on this forum the same way that you have. I now type them on Notepad or Word and then copy + paste them into the reply box before posting. Or if my reply is short, I type it directly into the reply box, but then I select and copy my reply before posting so that I can just repaste it if it gets deleted, which it often does!

I've just taken half a teaspoon of coconut oil with my lunch. I ordered some suppository moulds this morning, so I should have them within 2-3 days. I'm planning to put a suppository in the second I get out of bed in the morning to lubricate the area before a BM. I usually only have time to get dressed in the morning before I need to go, so I have just been lubricating the exterior, and I really feel that it is inside that needs the lubrication most.

Thanks for the cream recommendation. I'll ask my CRS about it at my next appointment.

I'm only doing 1 sitz bath a day at the moment, right after a BM. Maybe I should start doing more again to see if it helps.

I'm so sorry about your ankle! How long will that take to heal? I hope you aren't in too much pain with it?

Thanks for being here with me. I really hope we both find lasting relief in the very near future :sunny:
Deleted User 7114

Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 12 Jun 2018, 09:24

Where did you buy the suppository mold? I looked on Amazon but can’t find any.
While you are waiting for the mold to arrive, try just inserting some via your finger. I’m the same...wake up and have BM wishing a few minutes. So I apply as soon as I wake up. I think you need some inside to protect - not just outside (or at least that’s what’s worked for me).
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 12 Jun 2018, 10:23

I'm in the UK, and I found it on a website in Switzerland (don't ask about the shipping costs!) They look like this: ... oires.html

These look similar on ... +mold+tray

I'll try inserting some with my finger tomorrow morning then. I'll need to put the oil in the fridge overnight, because it is pretty much in liquid form all the time at the moment with the warm weather we are having! I'd prefer to smear on a semi-solid form because in liquid form I can't seem to get it to go where I want :bouncer:
Deleted User 7114

Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby burningbum30 » 22 Jun 2018, 18:31

I am with you on this. Even after doing everything right it still repeats. I had my surgery 4.5 months ago. I was healing well and then suddenly I retore when I was doing everything right. I think I had multiple fissures however the operative report says I had a posterior fissure. Some healed but some are still giving me grief. Mine are at the upper end. I will be seeing my surgeon to see if he will perform another Lis surgery. Hang in there and praying we all get better
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 22 Jun 2018, 18:46

Hi burningbum30,
So sorry to hear you are in the same boat! Doesn’t it just suck to have this happen all over again?!
I’m curious- since your LIS are you still having muscle spasms or is it better? Even though I still have pain from my new fissures, I’m not getting the excruciating pain from sphincter spasm after BM. Wondering if that’s because the muscle was cut. I’m hopeful that it stays this way because the pain from that spasm was unbearable and lasted for 8-10 hrs.
Anyways, wondering if that’s been your experience too.
Wishing you quick healing!!
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