Still having fissures since LIS

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Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 25 May 2018, 08:05

After 4 agonizing months in bed for fissure, I had two LIS last year (first one was just a small “nick” according to doctor, second one was successful). I recovered well from second LIS (which was May 29, 2017). Fissure healed. I have had very occasional light bleeding from iritated hemerroid but no sign of fissure.
Then this week I had one hard BM and tiny bit of bleeding and discomfort all day when sitting. After three days of that I went to my doctor and found out I have two fissures! I was devastated. Doctor says the fissures aren’t as long as one last year but that one is in a difficult place to heal (not sure what that means).
My question:
-I thought recurrence rate was extremely low after LIS. Have any of you experienced fissures after LIS?
Thank you, friends with fissures!
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Katie » 28 May 2018, 13:05

I have had the lis done in Jan of this year! Having the lis does not stop you getting fissures!!!! It only means cos u have had the muscle cut they should heal with in a week or two! As the pressure is not there like before x
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 28 May 2018, 14:57

Thx for the reply Katie!
So weird - my surgeon who did the LIs last year told me it would be highly unlikely that I’d develop a fissure again. I guess I assumed the sphincter tone would stay lower permanently and avoid future ones. Hmmm....guess he didn’t give me very good information!
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Katie » 28 May 2018, 15:02

It takes a good year to heal from an lis as the skin is so soft like tissue paper! And I don't think it will ever be the same once u have had an op on your bottom the muscle being cut stops the spasms but you will still get sore! I am today first time in three weeks! X
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Katie » 28 May 2018, 15:03

And if you go to the toilet and it's a bit bigger and puts a but of pressure on your bottom it can get sore x :cry:
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 28 May 2018, 17:30

Can you believe it’s been almost exactly one year from my LIS - and here I am with two fissures again. I was just starting to feel more relaxed about going to the bathroom :(
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Katie » 05 Jun 2018, 15:48

I have a new tear!!! Not in pain but a little sore it's in a different area!!!!!!!!!!!!! Six months after my lis but hoping it will heal with in a week as the muscle has been cut!
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Katie » 05 Jun 2018, 15:54

I have a new tear!!! Not in pain but a little sore it's in a different area!!!!!!!!!!!!! Six months after my lis but hoping it will heal with in a week as the muscle has been cut!
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 05 Jun 2018, 16:07

Oh no Katie! I’m so sorry to hear that.
I’m still fighting my two new fissures - it’s been two weeks now. Not unbearable pain like last year (pre-LIS) but I can’t sit down comfortably. So tired of this!
Anyways, I feel your pain! Hang in there. You are not alone!
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 07 Jun 2018, 07:48

I'm in the same situation as you both. I had LIS 14 weeks ago and I have torn twice since, each time during my period. The fissures are no longer the agonising pain they were before and they heal within a week, but still... I just want to do my BM and get on with my day like a normal person!

While scouring this forum to find alternative solutions, I came across this article about self-dilation:

I tried today for the first time and my sphincter was so tight that I could only get half of the first phalange of my index finger up. Not only that, but I could feel my finger being squeezed so tight that blood supply was cut off while it was up there. This is surely not right after LIS surgery??!! My anal pressure must be incredibly high! Anyway I left it there for 10 minutes. I have to admit, even though it stung (I have a mini fissure or two at the moment), I felt looser and less sore at the end of it.

I'm going to persevere with this treatment for a while and see if it helps. I'm not sure what else I can do at this stage...
Deleted User 7114

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