Still having fissures since LIS

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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 10 Jul 2018, 13:13

Hi Lolo and Mike, how are you both doing at the moment?
Deleted User 7114

Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 10 Jul 2018, 14:19

Hi hedgehogbum!
So nice of you to ask how we are doing.
I’m kind of the same. Not terrible, but not healed. I have some good days, then for no reason I’m sore. My surgeon says my fissures should heal without surgery (whew!) and he thinks my pain may be pressure from hemeroids. So I’ve started adding hemeroid cream to my regime. Seems to help.
How are you doing? Did you ever make the coconut oil suppositories? I’m curious how that worked out! My naturopath wasn’t able to order some for me after all - they were vitamin E suppositories (can’t say whether they helped or not).
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 10 Jul 2018, 14:49

Hi Lolo!
I'm doing much better thanks! I've made a few changes recently, including laxatives every 3-4 days and coconut oil before the BM. I had a disaster with my suppository mould. I accidentally deformed it when I was trying to sterilise it!! So instead of buying another one, I decided to follow your advice and apply coconut oil directly with my finger before a BM. I'm a convert! I really find it is helping me! I still have pain right at the very beginning of a BM, but once the BM is coming out, I'm just fine and a quick 10 minutes in a hot sitz bath and I'm back to normal again. Yay!!!

That's great to hear that your fissures should heal without surgery! We just need to get you fully healed now. Just be sure to keep your BMs super soft to give them no chance whatsoever to split even 1mm further. This has been a key discovery of mine in recent weeks. I thought my BMs were soft, but they weren't soft enough. Laxatives are my new best friend!

I too have hemorrhoids (external ones created from the surgery). Again, the laxatives have worked wonders over the past few weeks in helping them shrink. Are you applying the hemorrhoid cream internally?
Deleted User 7114

Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 10 Jul 2018, 15:44

Hey that’s great news, hedgehogbum! I’m so happy to hear you’re doing better and glad the coconut oil is helpful.
Yes I’m using the hemeroid cream internally (I don’t have external hemeroids right now). The surgeon couldn’t even say for sure how aggravated my internal hemeroids were after he examined me (said, “it’s hard to say” ?!?!). But under his assumption that they are I’m using the cream and it seems to provide relief.
So here’s a question for you...I’m managing to keep BMs soft but they are sometimes larger and that seems to aggravate it. Any tips on how to keep that from happening?
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 10 Jul 2018, 15:58

I wonder what he means by "hard to say"?!! What are you supposed to do based on that (lack of) information?!! For the BMs, I totally understand that larger ones aggrevate. I have exactly the same problem. The only thing I can suggest is what is working for me at the moment - Miralax / Restorolax. I now use it in small doses even when I have smooth BMs. If a BM is smooth but too big, I'll take some laxative and the next day it'll be smoother and thinner. It gives me an extra day of recovery which is really making a difference in the long term. The key is finding how much you need and how often to loosen stools up without causing diarrhea.

I also eat a nun's diet. I've got rid of rice, pasta, red meat and dairy because they all tend to bulk up my stools too much. I eat loads of veg, oily fish, some chicken and some pulses. I also make sure I drink around 2 litres of pure bottled water every day. I make sure I keep the bottle with me until it is all gone. I might be eating too much fibre, which is bulking up my stool. I never take psyllium husk because even a few grains of that stuff makes my BMs huge!

I have found (and I hope that this is the case for you) that if I can keep my BMs smooth (in my case with laxatives), the hemorrhoids are much quicker to shrink and heal than a fissure.
Deleted User 7114

Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 10 Jul 2018, 16:24

You and I follow a very similar diet and regime. I run out of ideas re protein because I can’t digest legumes well and without dairy and red meat, I’m basically eating chicken and fish all the time! And I recently cut out nuts (except nut butter) for fear of them scratching on the way out!

That’s so interesting about the psyllium! I never thought about it bulking it up too much. I take two heaping tsp every day. I wonder if I should try a little less?

I take Restorolax every day (full dose) and right now my dr also has me on a stool softener (it was one random hard BM that caused this, and then another one a few weeks later).Most of my BMs are soft so it’s so frustrating to take this laxative stuff for the odd hard one. My dietician thinks I has those couple of hard ones recently because I was sedentary and stressed (from breaking my ankle). Who knows!

Btw, I LOL’ed at the thought of you warping your suppository mold when trying to sanitize it! The lengths we will take to cure this terrible problem have no end! While I’m sure it was very frustrating at the time(didn’t you order the mold from Switzerland?!) it’s sort of comical sounding now! I’m glad you didn’t end up needing the mold in the end as you have managed without it.
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 10 Jul 2018, 16:25

And yes, “ hard to say” sucks! Not helpful at all!
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Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 17 Jul 2018, 08:25

Hi Lolo!!
Haha I know, what a joke ordering in an expensive suppository mold just to go and melt it! :bouncer:
Luckily the coconut oil and gloved finger still seems to be working :D

I know what you mean about the proteins! I end up eating the same chicken, fish, egg rotation every week too! I did have steak and fries one night and had the best BM ever the next morning. Not sure what to make of that lol!! I'm continuing to play safe most of the time though because I don’t want to undo all this hard work! I also cut out nuts for the same reason as you.

How is your ankle doing? Who would’ve thought that stress can harden stools?? Luckily we can take laxatives to counter the effect.

I ate something funny last night and have got a stomach bug and diarrhea today. I’m praying that it doesn’t irritate my fissure. I’m just starting to feel better! But maybe the stress I feel over having diarrhea will harden my stools and get me back to the happy medium of soft stools. Lol I hope so anyway!
Deleted User 7114

Re: Still having fissures since LIS

Postby Lolo » 17 Jul 2018, 10:02

Oh geez a stomach bug? That sucks! I’m always so paranoid about diarrhea! Although my CRS once told me that diarrhea is preferable to a hard stool, when it comes to fissures!
I hope it clears up soon.
My ankle is healing. Still walking with a cane but it’s coming. Thanks for asking!
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