by Dimitri71 » 28 May 2018, 11:12
Hi Mike, I had a fistulotomy and cutting seton (the cutting seton fell 20 days ago, so I'm nine days ahead of you!).
I still have some yellow drainage though significantly less than prior to the fistulotomy. In regards to blood I had some blood right after the fistulotomy and then a little bit 10 days post. Now I don't see any.
The wound is closing, there is still some left though. I am sheduled to visit my CRS around 30 days post op, so I will be in a better position to know.
I believe from what I've read that it's OK to get yellow pus like drainage and some blood for up to 1-2 months post fistulotomy. However, I believe it should be improving over time (on a weekly basis). My CRS told me that's it's OK to get drainage and it will stop when the wound fully heals.In regards to the stitches, no stitches are usually applied in this area.