I survived a cutting seton (and so can you)

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Re: I survived a cutting seton (and so can you)

Postby mike1971 » 03 Jun 2018, 14:22

Yes Chachacha. That's him. It seems all the CRS are located in hospitals in downtown Toronto. I'm just 1 hour away o the outskirts. Need to arrange to meet one but don't know how and how long that will take. Also need to arrange some sort of transportation there. Don't know what to do :( .
Last edited by mike1971 on 03 Jun 2018, 14:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I survived a cutting seton (and so can you)

Postby mike1971 » 03 Jun 2018, 14:29

Cutting, I also feel weak and faint, especially when this pain hits me. It's a daily thing. Been driving me nuts. There was a big open gash (1.5" or so) on t spot of the pain when the abscess initially burst on me. When it healed over a month later one of the fistula openings was on that area. I'm fearing it may be nerve damage? Or maybe it's where the skin abscess is still draining / healing? It feels tender only in that spot....but would it flare and cause a dull aching pain like that on a daily basis?
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Re: I survived a cutting seton (and so can you)

Postby mike1971 » 03 Jun 2018, 14:43

Considering going to the ER to see if I can find a doctor that is understanding and helpful. I need help and lying around isn't doing any good. Here is a link to the ER at my local hospital;

https://www.msh.on.ca/emergency-wait-ti ... touffville

Notice the *Alert:
Outbreak of VRE (vancomycin-resistant enterococci) on 1C Rehabilitation Unit and 3E Medicine/Stroke Unit

Isn't that dandy! I have regular x-strength 500 mg Tylentol, Tylenol 3's, and Ketolec / Torodol 10mg on hand.
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Re: I survived a cutting seton (and so can you)

Postby Dimitri71 » 04 Jun 2018, 05:26

Geia sou Mike ( or should i call you Michali:lol: ). Don't let yourself worry too much about this. This is not a terminal disease my friend, not even a chronic one. It is curable.
If I were in your shoes, I would really invest all of my time in finding the best CRS. It has to be a CRS, no other specialty will do.
A good CRS may have 50 to 200 fistula surgeries per year, so they really know what's going on. My CRS sees 120 patients a month only for rectal matters! Every time I go see him there are at least 4-5 patients with such problems waiting in line. He does approximately 30 surgeries per WEEK!
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Re: I survived a cutting seton (and so can you)

Postby mike1971 » 04 Jun 2018, 05:40

Good morning Demetri.

I had a rough day yesterday and hard time sleeping again last night. Been up the last 2 hours tossing and turning.

Thanks for the encouragement. I only wish I could explain this chronic pain I've been having a few hours in my rectal area each day. Trying not to let it wear me down but I'm feeling weaker every day.

Have apt to see surgeon tomorrow. Need help finding and contacting a CRS here in Toronto.

Good luck to everyone thanks for kind words.
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Re: I survived a cutting seton (and so can you)

Postby chachacha » 04 Jun 2018, 11:21

Perhaps this link will help? https://www.ratemds.com/best-doctors/on ... octologist

You should be able to ask your GP for a referral to any of them.
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Re: I survived a cutting seton (and so can you)

Postby mike1971 » 04 Jun 2018, 15:09

Thanks cha I've looked at that list and there are a couple of interest on the first page. I will follow up with my GP for a referral to one as I suppose they don't accept or entertain patients directly.

Btw, my mom (72 year old bless her heart) has been staying with me in this time of need lending a hand. Took mom out to Costco for a few food items. 17 days post fistulotomy op and had a hard time dealng with some of the local speed bumps. Using a tushy pillow on my drivers seat. Managed to get there (a few miles) slightly leaning on one side. A little uncomfortable, but manageable. Walked around for 30 minutes and drove back home. Unloaded a few groceries and hit the couch tired. About the most exercise I've had since the operation. Had a pretty intense rectal pain yesterday from about 1:30pm to 7 pm. Today I've been pretty much pain free. Worried about when that painful "time" comes again. Seeing my surgeon tomorrow for a follow up and will take this issue up with him.

Cha, I see you're in Canada. May I ask where abouts? How did your LIS and hemorrhoidectomy work out? Do you have links to threads of your experience?

Cha / Cutting / Demetri.....how are you guys doing? What keeps you fellas busy these days? Working full time? How are you all managing / making out?
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Re: I survived a cutting seton (and so can you)

Postby chachacha » 04 Jun 2018, 17:23

I am in central Toronto. Here is my LIS success story from 2015: lis-success-for-me-t9369.html

I haven't penned a hemorrhoidectomy one yet, because I only had the procedure 6 months ago, but I suppose that I should do that.
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Re: I survived a cutting seton (and so can you)

Postby mike1971 » 04 Jun 2018, 19:04

Thanks Chachacha, great story and happy to read it worked out well! Looks like it's been 3 years now how arew things since the LIS surgery?

May I ask, how did your hemorrhidectomy work out? I hear those are very painful procedures.
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Re: I survived a cutting seton (and so can you)

Postby chachacha » 04 Jun 2018, 19:21

I'm perfectly good on the fissure front still, and was very happy with the hemorrhoidectomy too. I was much more afraid of the pain from that procedure and would rather have done several LIS ones instead! It wasn't as bad as I had feared though (probably because I had really worked myself into believing that I could never survive that kind of pain), and I'm about 95% healed now. I may never get back to 100% though, because the pain now is coming from the skin tags that formed after the last surgery, but I'm totally fine where I am now. In fact, I'm incredibly grateful to be living a normal life again, with only about a half hour of low-grade pain after a movement.
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