LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby torninhell » 22 Jun 2013, 01:57

Day 1/June 22 - SURGERY DAY
I wasn't able to sleep very well the night before because I was anticipating going to the toilet (as per the bowel prep instructions, I was to take 2 laxatives after my last meal). But eventually I was able to go to the toilet around 4 am.. so got at least 3 hours of sleep before waking up at 7 to leave for the hospital.
8:10 AM we arrived at hospital 50 mins early. Had to wait for the clinic to open and the doctor to arrive.
9:00 AM Doctor's assistant brought me to the pre-op room to get ready. It was nice, everyone was warm and welcoming and I was asked to fill out some forms (the usual patient info, consent etc) while waiting for the anesthesiologist to come so that she could evaluate me. After the forms BP was taken then I was told to change into hospital gown. The moment I stepped out they had a blanket for me (thankfully, cause it was hella cold!).
I was then made to lie on the stretcher and all the final prep began. Everyone was smiling and wishing me luck on my surgery. Next thing I know I was being wheeled into the operating room. Told to move to operating table. Everyone in the room introduced themselves -- 11 in all! Sheesh. But they were all nice and warm and welcoming, thankfully. I felt comfortable immediately. I was given an electric blanket to keep warm while they attached all the ECG sensors and such to me, and the BP monitor.
10:00AM Surgery officially begins, I am given half a dose of sedative before they gave me spinal anesthesia. Then when they confirmed I was numb they gave me the rest of the sedative and I was off to dreamland.
I didn't wake up until it was about 11 and I was really dizzy and groggy, sheesh! I kept falling in and out of sleep but once in a while people came by to check on me and were really nice to me. Some would even stop by and joke around with me.
By 2 PM they were ready to discharge me (by my request so I can spend recovery at home). They were almost sad to see me go! I had a nice experience all in all. I'm glad I went through the surgery despite my initial woes about it. One thing the surgeon told me when I finally woke up was that I really literally was a tighta**!! He said my anus barely relaxed even after anesthesia and it was really good I opted for LIS. Especially when they saw how deep my anterior and posterior fissures were. They didn't remove my anal papilla anymore due to (as the doc said) me potentially needing it for elasticity in the future. I don't mind. As long as I am fissure free forever, I'm happy.
I am home now and in pain, about a 3 out of 10. My anesthesia and painkillers wore off in the middle of a very very bumpy ride home. Suffice to say my a** is on fire and I'm ready to bite someone's head off, but I've taken painkillers and hope to be without pain soon. I'm gonna nap and let the painkillers do their thing now. :)
NERVOUS about the first BM!!!
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby WelshDoubleFissure » 22 Jun 2013, 02:38

Well that's the scary part done Torn! Image
So long as you stick to your pain relief and your laxatives. Everything is going to be ok. It is very scary thinking about that first movement. It took 4 days before I had mine, and I was bricking it. I was on Movicol and normally when I'm worried, I'll get the "runs", but unfortunately, it took ages to get a tiny rabbit poo out and then gravity took hold and pulled out a log which tore my newly prepared "acute" fissures. Hurt like hell. Worse than before my fissurectomy. 10/10 for pain. But I stuck with the Movicol, 1 as soon as I got up and the next at mid day and this helped to make them really soft. Dont be afraid of them, your body had had some trauma and needs help to get things moving. 
I'm 8 days post surgery & Botox (Not LIS I'm afraid) BUT I'm feeling positive and having plenty of rest. It gets easier every day, I promise. 
Just stick to an easy to digest diet, chew your food to within an inch of its life, Dont be afraid of Movicol, drink plent of water and don't push when pooping, let gravity take that crap. Oh and Sitz! Do the sitty-sitz!
I'm rooting for you guys, I see your usernames through these threads all the time and just wanted to show my support as you show others. 
Take care of yourself Torn! Keep us updated!
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby owmybum » 22 Jun 2013, 03:25

So glad to hear the surgery itself was a positive experience for you Torn.
Take it easy, and try not to worry about that first bm. As long as you have taken a stool softener things should be ok.
Here's to speedy healing!
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby torninhell » 22 Jun 2013, 04:27

My doctor did not prescribe a stool softener!!! What do i do? Image
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby WelshDoubleFissure » 22 Jun 2013, 04:44

I wasn't prescribed either, I borrowed some from my Grandpa. Then bought some online. I've also just been to the GP who gave me more (slightly different one). 
Everyone's different so Movicol(UK)/Miralax(US) might  not be the right one for you. I'd suggest you stay away from Fibrogel (fibre based product) as this just packs everything together and makes your stools larger. 
Get straight to your doctors if you can and ask for some. They are a necessity to keep everything soft and loose. You need to give your butt a rest and it needs to just fall out if you've got any chance of healing and reducing the pain.
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby torninhell » 22 Jun 2013, 08:23

Everyone I've just asked has told me that I don't need stool softeners as long as I stay on a soft diet for now... I'm anxious about it, but I guess I'll see how it goes. I'm compensating instead with the amount of water that I'm drinking (looooooooooots!).
I logged the food that I ate today, and am still logging my water intake. :)
I had to change my bandage because I had some discharge/blood and it was irritating the incision area, and I'll probably have to change the bandage again tomorrow. After 48 hours it can come off completely. I don't plan on wearing underwear for as long as I can while this thing heals. Good thing I have a ton of dresses to wear at home!
I think I will start with the sitz baths tomorrow, if my butt is feeling up to it. :)
PS I never thought I could talk so much about my butt to strangers before! But here I am going on and on about it! Haha. I'm so thankful for this forum, I plan on sticking around well after I am healed! Thank you so much to everyone for the support! Image
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby GeorgeTheCatMan » 22 Jun 2013, 15:41

Hello Torn,  I'm glad to see that the surgery was a very positive experience.  I'm sure that the friendly attitude of the medical team was a big help.  I've never been in an operating room so I don't know if 11 people is a lot but you certainly got good attention.  I hope that things go well during your recovery.  Best wishes.
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby torninhell » 23 Jun 2013, 06:36

Hi George, thank you very much!! Yes the friendly attitude of the medical team was great, I am glad that I went for a private hospital rather than a public one... The public ones here aren't all that bad, but they're definitely a step down from the private ones.
I'm about to post my Day 2 entry for my recovery diary now! :)
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby torninhell » 23 Jun 2013, 07:19

Day 2/June 23
So here are my meals for today:
Lunch - oatmeal, orange chicken, tofu
Snack - mangoes
Dinner - oatmeal, orange chicken, tofu, water spinach and melon
I've hit my 8 glass minimum for water and I've had 2 small yogurt drinks. I plan to take more water. The only side effect is I have to get up to pee every 30 minutes. No exaggeration... but I guess that'd count as my exercise (for now while still healing early on post-op).
So today was possibly the worst time ever to develop a cough, but I have anyway. And it's agony to cough, really. So I've been taking throat lozenges as much as I could. Only the natural stuff though, I hate to think what chemicals would do to my butt. I think I might have some chamomile tea later on as well.
I noticed today that the pain has subsided. I can lie down on my stomach or on my back now, whereas yesterday I could only lie down on my right side (which is now feeling quite battered!). I'm now off the pain relievers and I am pain-free, except for occasional twinges from the incision site here and there, especially if I make a sudden move or put myself at an odd angle. Passing gas is painless.
I thought I'd have the first BM today, but when I went to the toilet I had 2 false alarms! However I did manage to let a small bit of poop out, and that was completely painless! I think my anxiety got the best of me though and the rest of my poop wouldn't come out. But at least now I know it doesn't hurt and I think I'll do better next time. My Doctor told me to just let it go and not clench or try to push, but it's easier said than done!!!! I've been living months deathly afraid of my toilet after all. I think maybe later tonight or early tomorrow I'll make a second attempt at a full BM, so wish me luck!
Also the bandages came off today. One thing I noticed is that I've been spending the last few months clenched so tight that I'm now having to relearn to relax and stop clenching my bum so much. I have to remind my self constantly, but I think soon enough it will become habit to relax (and I'm really hoping it will be soon!!!). I really worry that if I don't stop clenching that I either won't heal or I might end up tighter than before even post-LIS. Is this possible??
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby GeorgeTheCatMan » 23 Jun 2013, 10:38

Hello Torn,  it seems that your recovery is off to a good start.  Being off of the painkillers and not in much pain at all in less than two days is really quick from what I've read.  It must be really difficult to have that first bowel movement.  After being painful for so long it gets to the point where the mind starts to expect the pain.  I'm guessing that it might be a bit difficult to clean up afterward too. 
As for the tightness down there, I have the same problem.  Whenever I'm under a lot of stress (which is very often lately), I tend to tighten up that area.  I do it sometimes while I'm sleeping too.  When I wake in the morning it's a bit painful  to bend over or lift something because everything feels tight, almost like something is pulling down there.  Hopefully this is just because you're surgery was so recent, and that once you can relax more, it'll loosen up more.  I hope that things continue to heal and that you continue to progress at such a good rate.
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