Well that's the scary part done Torn!

So long as you stick to your pain relief and your laxatives. Everything is going to be ok. It is very scary thinking about that first movement. It took 4 days before I had mine, and I was bricking it. I was on Movicol and normally when I'm worried, I'll get the "runs", but unfortunately, it took ages to get a tiny rabbit poo out and then gravity took hold and pulled out a log which tore my newly prepared "acute" fissures. Hurt like hell. Worse than before my fissurectomy. 10/10 for pain. But I stuck with the Movicol, 1 as soon as I got up and the next at mid day and this helped to make them really soft. Dont be afraid of them, your body had had some trauma and needs help to get things moving.
I'm 8 days post surgery & Botox (Not LIS I'm afraid) BUT I'm feeling positive and having plenty of rest. It gets easier every day, I promise.
Just stick to an easy to digest diet, chew your food to within an inch of its life, Dont be afraid of Movicol, drink plent of water and don't push when pooping, let gravity take that crap. Oh and Sitz! Do the sitty-sitz!
I'm rooting for you guys, I see your usernames through these threads all the time and just wanted to show my support as you show others.

Take care of yourself Torn! Keep us updated!
Welsh x