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Postby Jo » 01 Sep 2008, 12:25

Sorry Jen,
I know that is what happened to me. My hemmie incisions became fissures. Even though I was bleeding, one day out of the blue it just disappeared! I know this will happen for you too. Kim is right, you need to see a dr. If you are having alot of pain, take your pain relievers, they really can help.
Are your Bm's soft enough? I know they are bigger, make sure they are soft. The miralax really helped me.
I'll be praying for your healing.
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Postby cherylk » 01 Sep 2008, 12:29

I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. Sending you healing vibs.
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Postby Jen » 01 Sep 2008, 12:34

Guys -
He put the darn incision so darn far back, it is fissure pain all over again - but this time it is posterior, not anterior. I don't even want to see my doctor because there is nothing he can do for me. He just created another fissure for me. He could not heal the first one, how can he heal this second one he made? Now I have 2 weak points on my spincter instead of one. I am not even going to see him until the 8th, there is nothing anyone can do for me so there is no point of going in before then.
Thanks for your help. I am just so down and bummed. I am worse off now than before. I just feel like I want to curl up in a little ball in the corner.
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Postby val » 01 Sep 2008, 12:35

:( :( aw Jen, thats so disappointing. But now you've had the LIS, even if the hemmies are now fissures, they have the right environment to heal. Because of where they are and they get stretched daily, they are going to take longer to heal than a wound anywhere else would. I know its easy to say, but its early days yet and you have to have patience, stick to your routine and pamper yourself. It will get better, but LIS is not a "quick fix" operation, it doesnt cure it, just helps it. (sorry, i know that you know all this, just trying to put it in perspective for you!) Its easy to lose faith when it isnt feeling any better, but give it a few weeks and you'll probably look back on this as just a bad memory.
Hope you feel better soon.
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Postby Cinderella » 01 Sep 2008, 12:35

I am so sorry Jen. Would it be possible that you have got an infection? Have your BMs been too solid? Have you eaten too spicy food which has caused burning during BMs? I have understood that the incision is basically another AF but it should not cause even half of the pain than the original one because the cut makes your sphincter looser and you do not have spasms anymore. My CRS told me that it will take six weeks that the incision will be fully healed. I understood that during the six weeks period the incision site will cause similar symptoms as an AF.
Do you have any possibility to see another CRS? Of course it is better to see that one who did the surgery but if you cannot get an appointment earlier and you are feeling so bad.
You are in my thoughts. [/img]
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Postby Guest » 01 Sep 2008, 13:47

Oh Jen I am so sorry you are feeling so down :( Can I give you a big hug ! Image
I must have missed that your son isn’t well….Poor babe Image
Sending lots of get well vibes to you both right now...


Postby Guest » 01 Sep 2008, 14:01

My doctor said to give it 6 weeks before I decided whether or not the surgery was a success. It is too early to judge I think. I am so sorry you are down. Just give yourself time, please!



Postby Jen » 01 Sep 2008, 14:05

Thanks guys -
I just got off the phone with my doctor. I told him I was in pain because of the incision site and he kept correcting me and told me it was not an insicion site, it was called a "puncture wound". Whatever, it really doesn't matter. He wanted to know where it was and I told him poteriorly. He said it abnormal for the incision not to be healed by a week out from surgery. However, even though abnormal, it is nothing he has not seen before. After telling him my symptoms, him and I are confident it is not infected - it is just a slow/non-healing "puncture wound" turned fissure. He wants me to call the offic tomorrow to see if they can get me in, if they can't he will just see me on th 8th. I am frusterated with his office and I am not even going to try to call. They never return phone calls and they already told me on Friday that there is nothing available. I guess I am playing the waiting game for a week.
He told me to start using my nitro cream again. I put it on expecting it to sting really bad considering it is an open wound - however it did not at all. Image He wants me to start taking my stool softeners again, which I never really stopped. His oringinal discharge instructions were to stop using anything but fiber ASAP. He also told me he knows I am stressed because I'm in school, I have a baby, and he knows I am a type A personality anyways. He said I need to calm down and let me body try to heal - stress really affects the healing process.
I feel like a total ass for even calling him on a holiday. All I really wanted to know is if I could put nitro on my healing butt.
Thanks for trying to make me feel better everyone. My whole life is just so messed up right now because of my butt issues. I spend so much time worring about my butt that my grades are starting to get affected. I am usually a 4.0 student, and my grades are dropping. They need to stay up so I can get into a good masters program. Also, my poor baby is ill and I am stressed because I can not miss anymore school this week. I already missed so much because of my surgery.
Thanks for being there for me guys - I know you all are having issues as well. You are really good friends. :redlove:
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Postby Guest » 01 Sep 2008, 14:17

I am glad he got back to you. I would call the office and say that you talked to Dr. so and so and he said to call and to squeeze you in tomorrow. I think a lot of this is not knowing for sure what is going on.

What does he mean by a puncture wound?

Can you see if your mom can come out? I think you need time to heal and recuperate which is hard to do on your own.


Postby Jen » 01 Sep 2008, 14:24

Lecia -
I wish my mom could come out - but she can't. My MIL can't either. My SIL is having a baby this week and she is helping her out.
All he ment by puncture wound was the LIS incision site. It is the same thing, he just likes to call it a puncture wound. Whenever I call it an incision site, he feels the need to correct me.
Jo -
How long did it take for your hemmie incisions to heal? It just seems like mine is similar because it caused a fissue as well. I think Lecia said it took 3 weeks for hers to heal. I know it is not exactly the same, but it is kind of comparable.
Last edited by Anonymous on 01 Sep 2008, 14:30, edited 1 time in total.
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