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Postby cherylk » 01 Sep 2008, 14:28

I think your doc is right in that you have to relax. Stress will affect your healing adversely!! (but I know it is easier said than done to relax) Could you try some deep breathing excercises? You are also worried about your babe and your classes. So, it probably all contributes. I wouldn't feel badly about bothering your doc on a holiday. If his office had gotten back to you sooner, you wouln't have been talking to him today. Give yourself some credit. You are trying to deal with a lot right now which would be difficult for anyone. I know when I was sick while in college (ages ago), I was stressed out like you about missing studies, but it is surprising how sympathetic and compassionate teachers can be at times when they know of a particular student's health or personal probs. Oftentimes the instructors give such students some slack. It will all come out OK in the end. Just read your post--I hate a smarty pants doctor!! (correcting the patient)
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Postby Deleted User 5 » 01 Sep 2008, 14:45

I am glad you and the doc are confidant about what it is! Too bad you can't get one mom or the other out to help out. Stress can really slow the healing down, Jen -- it's a vicious circle. So try to take some free time to do whatever makes you feel good inside and try to bust some of the stress.
Don't feel bad about not being 4.0 anymore, sometimes it can be a relief to finally get a B, or B's, and not have to hold yourself up to that standard anymore. As long as it doesn't plummet, you should be quite OK. Few people ever go from 4.0 to 3.0 or lower, unless they became brain-damaged in some way! Relax a little about that!
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Postby Jo » 01 Sep 2008, 14:54

I am sorry to hear you are healing slowly. My healing from the hemmie/fissures were so slow, I can only hope you do not suffer so long. 10 weeks after I was still in alot of Image pain, bleeding and taking pain pills. That is also when the Dr. told me it usually doesn't happen this way, Image sorry. I guess I don't really believe them when they say that now. Since your surgery has only been a week, you still could heal soon! That is ridiculous Image that the Dr. is correcting you about incision or puncture wound, it is still an unhealed cut, who cares what it is called!
Don't feel bad for contacting the dr today, it really is his job to check in on you and make sure you are alright. He hasn't done a very good Image job at making sure you are OK. I would be angry at him too.
Hope your little boy is feeling better and you too. I thought Lecia had good idea of watching videos with him. Gives you both a chance to rest and heal.
Don't let my experience change your expectations that you WILL heal very soon!!! Positive thinking!!
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Postby Guest » 01 Sep 2008, 16:36

Hi Jen
I am so pleased your CRS eventually got back to you, don’t you feel bad one bit for calling him on the holiday !
I hope you can be seen tomorrow - peace of mind would be so good for you just now Image
Do rest up with your babe and take things easy, hopefully your wee man will feel a little better by tomorrow and you too !
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image


Postby Fissulyna » 02 Sep 2008, 00:16

Hi Jen, Image - so sorry buddy you are so worried and dismissed at the same time - sometimes I do not understand how they do not see that it would be easier FOR THEM to see a patient and not be called every single day Image . Anyway, many things will stay a mystery, I guess, but we have to fight for our rights ! I agree with Lecia - that is the best way to squeeze in - to tell that DOCTOR said he wants to see you TODAY ! They always have space , if they want to !!!!
I might be wrong , dear Jen, but I think that that posterior wound is not LIS wound but from something else that he is not disclosing or is playing stupid, that is why he is correcting you that it is not incision !!! He does not want to say that it is NOT LIS but at the same time he knows what he "punctured" there Image . Sometimes they use a prong to keep an anus open during the LIS and maybe by accident it made a small puncture Image Image . I never ever found that cut is made at 12 o'clock - that place is avoided actually , but maybe I am wrong - please ask him when you see hem where he did a LIS and to explain you how it is done and what instrument he used - ask that like you want to be just informed. If he describes "side" than ask again calmly how puncture happened - and after that you can do as you please Image !
However that wound happened the most important thing is that it will heal dear buddy - I know how you feel - I also went under that knife almost symptom free and came out :cat02: cut in 50 places and am trying really hard to stay calm and per-sway myself that it was necessary and for the best :truebud: . As our Tabby said - it was needed so that true and complete healing may happen and not just half way - although half way looks fantastic option now LOL - but hey - we will survive , we must.
I completely also understand how brain fog can "scramble" our thoughts after so much pain for so long Image - mine definitely is and I was A+ student , but would definitely have to take a semester off , if I were in school now - you are actually amazing Jen Image !!!!!
I hope your baby will get well super fast and that you will get to see your CRS tomorrow !!!!
Stay strong buddy - because you ARE Image
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Postby Corsi » 02 Sep 2008, 01:54

Jen Image
I could say so many things, but I know that when you are having buttpain and are worried, it is so overwhelming - almost impossible to think about other things.
Allow yourself to cry and try to listen to all the good advices the others have given you Image
Image Corsica
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Postby Guest » 02 Sep 2008, 06:38

I think Fissy's advice is great. It does seem like there are a few things to clear up so you can understand your pain. I know if I know why something hurts I can handle it better than not knowing or understanding why it should hurt so.

Your body will heal from this. I promise!


Postby val » 02 Sep 2008, 10:11

:( :( so sorry you're suffering all this. All these doctors are unsympathetic idiots. I dont think there is a "normal" healing time - they can only go on "average" which will be the middle number of people's healing. Meaning that if one person took a day to heal, and another took a year, then that is also added into the equation, which gives unrealistic and very unhelpful data to compare yourself with. You are you, and you will heal in your own special time when your body is meant to. It does sound like he is covering something up as he is so quick to correct everything . They say that attack is the best form of defense!
I hope you and your babe get better soon, its so draining emotionally to have everything going wrong at once, no wonder you feel so down.Get some rest and pamper yourself and babe until you feel stronger, thats all that is important.
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Postby Guest » 02 Sep 2008, 12:45

I also wanted to say that it's okay if you don't make a 4.0 or even if you have to sit out a semester. In the end it won't make a difference and you can take at least that pressure off if it would make you feel better. Maybe it is a good distraction for you though so I don't know. I'm just wondering how to get you through this.
I had one horrible semester in college where I lost my 3.8 and my scholarship because I did something really stupid. I was upset because I had caused it but in the end I realized that I needed a time out because I was'nt coping very well apparently. So I said to myself whatever happens this semester happens, I have to get well. I got better and ended up graduating with a 3.6 and Phi Beta Kappa which was good enough to get into graduate school. And I learned to not be so exacting of myself all the time.


Postby Jen » 02 Sep 2008, 22:50

Thanks for everyone's comforting words! They always mean alot to me.
I wish I could take a semester off. Gosh - I really do! However, I am now finished with my core classes and am in the registered nursing program. If I choose to leave the program or take a semester off, I will need to drop out completely and I would have to start over from the begining of the program to continue. Nursing programs are really weird like that. It really sucks, but I will finish it in the end - I am very determined.
I am still down. However, I did take a mirror today and looked at my incision/puncture wound/fissure and it does seem to be finally starting to heal. It is still very much there, but smaller. Also, since it developed into a fissure, I still have that passing glass feeling - OUCH (I CAN TOTALLY RELATE TO YOU FISSY - THIS FISSURE PAIN SUCKS)! Hopefully, it will pass soon since I don't have spasms now. I am also just very sore in general down there. I did not realise how sore I was until I stopped taking pain meds - I honestly think I felt better right after surgery.
LISers - When did the soreness finally go away??? Not the pain - the soreness??? When did you start to feel normal again as if you did not have rear surgery?
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