by mamafizz » 17 Dec 2016, 19:04
2 days after Botox pain is better but after going to the bathroom for the first time since procedure, still have the tightness and some pain, pinching, etc..but not necessarily the intense spasms. It's more like clamping and tight higher up. But definately still feels swollen from procedure, and tight and pulling sensation, which is ever present.(But ha this before so should be gone pretty soon) MPB has been very helpful with the timeline, so in a few weeks hopefully all tightness and leftover spasm etc will disappear. I can't even imagine how joyful that will be!!! These things do a number on your nerves and muscles needs time to desensitise and calm down. Cant wait to stop having to lay around all the time and go work out without feeling like something is in there all the time..ugh I just have to be able to sit like a normal person, still have not tried.. MPB I forgot to ask you when you were able to totally sit down for a bit, or are you still waiting to be able to do that? And how soon you were able to be back to full routine.. this thing has halted everything ready to ramp it up soon lol