by Ever the Optimist » 19 Nov 2012, 15:25
Sorry to hear your first BM was so painful....don't wipe or dab at this stage! Use the hand held to rinse all the debris off. Do this gently and be patient...there might be more to come out then you think. Then, finish off with a Sitz bath or better still, I take a regular bath to relax and clean the area and then finish off after with a final shower sprinkle!..
Good on you for avoiding the codeine. I did too - no way I was putting myself at risk with constipation!
As far as the waste goes, it could be due to the type of stool you are having. If it's less solid and more "flakey" and less binding, then it takes a lot longer to clean up than a stool which is more solid and binding (but still very soft!)
I find sometimes, if my stool is of this flakey consistency that I can also find some minor debris later, that either was not cleaned properly in the first place or perhaps "worked its way out" a bit if I pass gas. I'm not sure but it doesn't often happen and I'm sure for you is nothing to be concerned at at this stage. Always check with a GP if any doubts.
Don't forget also you also had surgery on 5 fistulae! So the recovery might take a while longer and be different to someone who had a simple Fistulomy for one fistula....
As far as laxatives go, I would not take them unless absolutely necessary and you are having issues going to the toilet. If you are passing stools easily, keep up with a regular stool softener to keep things soft. Olive Oil is a great addition to helping lubricate the area (I take a tablespoon of Extra Virgin before bed!) Perhaps - you also need to add a little more fibre if the stools are "falling apart". You need almost a mushy pea/ soft whipped icecream consistency at this stage in your healing but one that "holds" together. Hope that makes sense???
Don't be too concerned but just chat to your GP/ CRS if you are unsure about anything. :)
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups