Hi suffering2long. Good to hear from you though sorry to hear you are not keeping so well with the fissure. I hope you are managing to cope ok and not in too much pain throughout the day. And if LIS ends up happening I’m sure you won’t regret it - it seriously brought me so much immediate relief especially from the spasms.
Thank you for the nice words re: pregnancy. Still not getting too invested yet given last experiences. I feel totally rotten too with such awful nausea which is affecting my fissure diet a bit. Fissure is still healing slowly - though no pain or much awareness of it. Just a bit achey sometimes in the morning if I’m not distracted by other things. Worrying a bit about the return to work and desk sitting all day (esp with feeling so rough all day) but have CRS follow up on Friday so will update how that goes and what he says.
Hang in there and I hope you can get through the next few weeks until your feb appointment without too much upset!