37F and just had LIS!

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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby Conifer2 » 03 Jan 2022, 12:13

Hi suffering2long. Good to hear from you though sorry to hear you are not keeping so well with the fissure. I hope you are managing to cope ok and not in too much pain throughout the day. And if LIS ends up happening I’m sure you won’t regret it - it seriously brought me so much immediate relief especially from the spasms.

Thank you for the nice words re: pregnancy. Still not getting too invested yet given last experiences. I feel totally rotten too with such awful nausea which is affecting my fissure diet a bit. Fissure is still healing slowly - though no pain or much awareness of it. Just a bit achey sometimes in the morning if I’m not distracted by other things. Worrying a bit about the return to work and desk sitting all day (esp with feeling so rough all day) but have CRS follow up on Friday so will update how that goes and what he says.

Hang in there and I hope you can get through the next few weeks until your feb appointment without too much upset!
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby Suffering2long » 11 Jan 2022, 17:49

Hey Conifer, just checking in. How did your appointment go? How are things regarding healing for you? Hope everything is moving in the right direction.
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby DarkJediFury » 12 Jan 2022, 02:41

How'd you get on with your CRS Conifer?

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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby Conifer2 » 12 Jan 2022, 04:21

Hi there - sorry about being slow to update. I have been feeling so rotten with pregnancy nausea that I am really struggling to get through the day and this dropped off my radar! I just saw your update on your thread and really pleased to hear things are doing better for you!

So my follow up appointment on Friday went quite well. My CRS was pleased with my progress and also thrilled to hear about the pregnancy (which was one of the reasons we went for LIS and didnt do botox first). I explained about the bleeding about 1-2 times a week and still a bit of tightness now and then but he said he would expect this still at this stage.

He examined me and said that the fissure was still there but healing well and was much much smaller. He also said the incision site had totally healed and the skin tag site looked good too. He was suprised to hear I had had no real pain that I was aware of from that bit.

I was told to keep doing what I am doing - which is trying to maintain a healthy diet (though this is out of the window just now on account of the sickness), a laxido sachet a day and sitz after bms. He indicated that in time I should heal fully so lets hope so and I hope that pregnancy (assuming things continue as they are) might help with relaxation hormones and additional blood flow.

He also strongly advised I should have a c-section due to the risks associated with anal injury during labour. I already knew this and have made that decision anyway which I am a little sad about however I cannot go back to where I was this past year with fissure pain so its a sacrifice I am very willing to make.

I will keep checking in with progress as I go and still around if anyone has any questions about anything.
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby DarkJediFury » 12 Jan 2022, 05:05

That sounds like great news for your CR issue. Sorry you're so sick, we have 3 kids and my wife was really sick for the first trimester with all of them.

Sep 2017 Bilateral inguinal hernia
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby Peggydoo » 12 Jan 2022, 15:10

Hey Conifer2, I have 2 direct messages to you sitting in my outbox as well.. so must be a site issue. If you don't see them, post here and I will try again in a few days. Glad to hear you are doing well!
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby Worstyear » 26 Jan 2022, 17:09

Hi conifer! How are you doing? I hope you are still ok, xoxo!
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby Conifer2 » 27 Jan 2022, 03:59

Hi Worstyear - Im doing well thank you. Fissure still healing very very slowly but there are improvements every week and its never sore. I can just feel things being a bit scratchy during bm but this is not every time. Its worse the more formed the bm is so still aiming for very soft and that is fine. I am also manageing to avoid the pregnancy constipation by using laxido which is working a charm - I am literally eating rubbish just now because I feel so horrendous for most of the day (think bread, biscuits, sweets - all things beige) and am actually often sick. But as of yet no impacts on my digestion which is good.

I hope you are doing ok?
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby DarkJediFury » 08 Mar 2022, 08:55

How are you Conifer? Hope the fissure is healed or healing and everything else going well.
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby Conifer2 » 09 Mar 2022, 04:16

Hi DarkJediFury. Goodness its been a while since I logged on here which I think says a lot given the fact I used to log in about 30 times a day!

Things are going well with me. I would say I am still healing the fissue if I am honest - maybe I always will be. I get a tiny bit of discomfort with bm though wouldnt say it was sore. It doesnt bother me or get me down at all and will be very happy to live with this as it clears up pretty much straight away. I was having some bleeding now and again but that hasnt happened in about 2-3 weeks now. I am still taking laxido but not every day as it often makes me sick (pregnancy stuff) so trying to do the right thing with diet - oats, flaxseed, dried apricots, fluids. I am still sitz bathing in the morning but sometimes if I have to go bm again in the day I don't bother but still use wet wipes to clean up.

If I am being totally honest I cant say I have returned to how I was pre-fissure and have accepted the fact that might never happen. But then I dislocated my knee when I was 15 and here I am 20 years later still having issues now and again so I am being quite realistic about this. Plus I am still just 4 months out. Some say on here that it can take them 6+ months.

But all in all, no regrets in getting op. Oh and pregnancy is going well - Im at 16.5 weeks now and getting a nice little bump which is lovely :)

How have you been getting on? We seemed to have quite similar recoveries so hpoe you are also doing well!
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