37F and just had LIS!

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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby Peggydoo » 09 Mar 2022, 10:52

That’s great to hear Conifer! Glad you’re well!
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby missy moo » 21 Mar 2022, 16:32

Hows everyone doing? Looks like everyone is getting lis an moving on with their lives finally. I still haven't had lis but i have my appointment date booked for the 4th of April it's just an appointment to get a second opinion an they will check the fissure. They sent me a bowel prep but i will not be using it because its just a check up an I've nwver had to with any of my other 4 checkup appointments this is in a different hospital though an with a different crs. I look forward to hearing what they advise but if i get lis I'd like to go private for peace of mind. I'm still getting blood an pain every 2-3 wks bit its alot less pain then ever before i feel like things have over the last 8 yrs slowly improved plus I've had botox twice over the last 3 years
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby Suffering2long » 21 Mar 2022, 16:54

Hi Missy, that’s great that you are getting seen. I just recently had an exam under anaesthesia. My surgeon found another fissure and removed a skin tag. I’m recovering from that removal now. It’s painful but I’m managing.
I’ve done the flap as you know and Botox many times so looks like lis is up next!
I’m so scared of incontinence though.
Good luck for your appointment.
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby Suffering2long » 21 Mar 2022, 16:55

I was also getting blood and pain every 2 or 3 weeks. Minimal but it was there. The pain is only lasting up to an hour. I’ve had mine for 6 years. Not quite as long as you.
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby missy moo » 21 Mar 2022, 19:29

We been suffering2long!! Lis will be next for me too. Do you have another appointment to see how things are healing?
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby Suffering2long » 21 Mar 2022, 20:13

We certainly have!! More than any human should…
I don’t have a follow up booked yet but I’m lead to believe that they’ll call me with an appointment.
I want to heal from this tag removal and reassess where I am pain wise. I’d like to give myself a bit of a break until I’m ready to face the lis. I just took this week off work too so I don’t want to take more off so soon.
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby missy moo » 22 Mar 2022, 06:58

Did he give botox at the same time? Why did he important to remove it? Most crs I've spoke to don't even remove tags during lis because its not necessary to.
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby Suffering2long » 23 Mar 2022, 20:41

No Botox but I wish she had.. it makes sense to give me some while I was under.
I don’t know why she removed the tag. The last time I spoke to her was back in December and she said that she would remove granulation tissue if she found any.
I’m a bit annoyed that I’m now having to heal from this! I’ve heard they should be left alone as well.
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby missy moo » 23 Mar 2022, 22:59

Suffering2long I'm sorry about this rubbish thats not nice on top of everything else. She should never of touched it because it doesn’t effect anything its pure cosmetic. That actually gives me a bit of faith in nz surgeons cause all the ones I've seen have said they wouldn't want to touch it. I hope you heal it up fast an move on from it. Keep doing what your doing you'll get there one day at a time have faith :)
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Re: 37F and just had LIS!

Postby missy moo » 25 Mar 2022, 17:30

Hey suffering2long how are you now been a few days you feeling any better?
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