My Botox Diary

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Re: My Botox Diary

Postby Vicouscycle » 14 May 2019, 23:02

I’ve just updated the subject to my Botox diary hoping it can be useful for people who are wanting to get Botox and also for myself to track my recovery.

Today is Day 1, I got 2 shots of Botox this morning, I think 30 unit each at 6 and 9 o’clock and now lying on my comfortable bed wondering what tomorrow is going to be like. The procedure is quite straightforward, I got into the procedure room at 11am, put to sleep and woke up at 11:45. I got given some IV because my blood pressure was low and dehydrated from fasting. Also 2 Panadol with some sandwich, tea and biscuits provided by the nurse. Got picked up at 12:30 and I have to say, there was quite some blood when I wiped after the procedure and it felt weird. I didn’t dare to look but I can feel it’s very swollen. When walking back to the car, I almost felt like there is some dressing left inside because I could just feel something in between the butt cheek...some pain when sitting down and walking, if I lie flat on my side, I only felt a bit of pressure but no pain. The area is numb due to local anaesthetic as well and they say up to 12 hours. However I’ve felt some throbbing pain already.
I’ve had some chicken soup and one teaspoon of Benefiber. Will take half sachet of movicol and 1 coloxyl tonight before bed and see how we go tomorrow!
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Re: My Botox Diary

Postby missy moo » 15 May 2019, 21:46

Hi how are you today? Day1 after Botox
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Re: My Botox Diary

Postby Vicouscycle » 15 May 2019, 22:06

The swelling has immobilised me..I start to wonder if this is how others feel with external hemmies. I have 4 swollen tags now, big one from the anterior fissure, smaller one from the posterior and two from the injection site. It was actually okay this morning when I woke up, but as soon as I had BM, they just went crazy...I panicked and called the nurse. She said it’s normal, the swelling will usually go down after 10-14 days. WHAT? 10-14 DAYS? She said just do sitz bath, that’ll help and time...
Did you have a lot of swelling after Botox? I have not been this swollen before.
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Re: My Botox Diary

Postby missy moo » 15 May 2019, 22:10

Yep I was black and blue back there I believe they are actually swollen veins your looking at mine went down after the first week but my pain was the same before and after Botox for awhile till things settled down and got alot better
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Re: My Botox Diary

Postby Vicouscycle » 15 May 2019, 22:43

Day 2
Last night was rough. I had this painful sudden contraction down there which woke me up many times while asleep. It started last night after sitz bath and I tried heat pack, lognocaine 2% nothing helped. Finally I fell asleep and it returned this morning after sitz bath. This sudden clench is quite painful and I’ve only experienced that a few times before when the skin tags are very swollen.

BM in day 2 is slightly better than previous days. I haven’t seen any blood but it was a very short BM due to not eating much yesterday. I felt better this morning when I woke up but then not so much after BM due to the swelling.

The sudden clench seems to have eased off in the afternoon. Will see how I go tonight.
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Re: My Botox Diary

Postby missy moo » 15 May 2019, 23:57

When we have hemorids the heat makes them worse it seems like your swollen veins or hemorids weren't happy with the heat. Did you have any contraction pains before the Botox?
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Re: My Botox Diary

Postby Vicouscycle » 16 May 2019, 00:18

I’ve only had them a few nights when my skin tags were very swollen. It’s like all of a sudden all my muscles around clench up/contract. Occasionally I can control it when I know it’s coming, most of times it’s like an involuntary contraction. Not sure what that is, but it’s quite painful. Not as painful as those random shooting pain (last 1-2 secs) in that area though.
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Re: My Botox Diary

Postby missy moo » 16 May 2019, 01:38

Any new symptoms? Or did you experience these all at some point before Botox? I'm sure in a week you'll be feeling alot better atleast in the sence of swelling anyway
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Re: My Botox Diary

Postby Vicouscycle » 16 May 2019, 02:05

I don’t think there is any new symptom except for these very swollen and painful tags. It’s painful to sit, to stand up, to walk the stairs...I have a hairdresser appointment on Sat and I’m likely to have to sit for 4hrs...don’t know how I can do that. Hoping by Sat i’ll feel better.
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Re: My Botox Diary

Postby Gray » 16 May 2019, 06:51

After my Botox, my doctor told me to continue to use nitro to assist with the pain. I don't know if that would help you but thought I would share.
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