Fissurotomy and Botox diary


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Re: Fissurotomy and Botox diary

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 05 Jul 2016, 19:11

Sorry about the stressors MPB but not sorry you have had a pain free day. You sure deserve a break. I am also able to get through most of the day with little compliant as the evening turns into night I get a little sore else I am good. Whatever it is - life's curveball - I hope you get a breather from that too soon. Hugs as always, HTD
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Re: Fissurotomy and Botox diary

Postby [email protected] » 05 Jul 2016, 19:36

Dear Mypoorbutt and Healingthroughdiet,
I am new to this forum but feel so m7xh better read8ng both your diaries. I live in USA, and had my botox on June 28. Was never told the after pain from my surge on so reading your daily changes helps me better understand what I need to know.
1 week today. Praying the days ahead bring relief. Trying coconut oil for soothing. I'll see 8f it works. Taking Miralax 8f needed with Colace daily. Mushy stool bUT easier to pass.
Still feel spams though, is that normal? Will continue reading your diaries and posting.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated...
[email protected]
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Re: Fissurotomy and Botox diary

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 05 Jul 2016, 22:25

Glad we were of help. Yes spasms can occurs till the muscle is paralyzed. That usually starts about week 2. This forum is a wealth of info and you have to go through some trial and error to see what helps you. Mostly the friends you make are invaluable - as is the moderators advice. MPB has been a huge support to me and we are both happy our diaries are of some use to anyone. Take care
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Re: Fissurotomy and Botox diary

Postby Mypoorbutt » 06 Jul 2016, 01:10

Thanx HTD I had a pretty much painless BM yesterday went to toilet put up GTN, 30mins later I'm in the pool swimming then the gym. Felt some discomfort but no pain. It's been over a week now since my last IBS flare up so think that's helped.
Carol please believe us it will get better and the spasms do go, it's just it can take a while which is both frustrating and downheartning. My CRS told me a week but I had read lots on here and knew that wasn't I was thinking 3 weeks, but I still got upset when I didn't improve straight away. It's natural to want to get better quickly. Keep up with the creams you have as I know they help me.
No swimming today work early just the gym today
Hope you all have a good day
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Re: Fissurotomy and Botox diary

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 06 Jul 2016, 18:31

That's good news indeed. I am sure the gym can only help the healing. The IBS cannot hinder it much that's my firm belief all along . Best wishes and keep smiling!
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Re: Fissurotomy and Botox diary

Postby Mypoorbutt » 07 Jul 2016, 01:19

Thanx HTD,
Yesterday morning BM certainly stung a bit more but no pain, unfortunately I went again 10 hours later and that was painful but only about a 5 I took a codeine and managed to get some sleep. Plainly my fissure is only happy with the 1 BM a day.
Off swimming again then work still a bit uncomfortable down there but it's not dictating what I do...well not too much lol.
Wish I could get to see my CRS before sept as i would like to know what the fissure is too deep for me to actually see it and I can only feel it occasionally when applying GTN mainly on days I haven't had a BM
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Re: Fissurotomy and Botox diary

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 07 Jul 2016, 18:36

Yes our fissures seen very particular and only are pleased when circumstances are perfect. I have come to respect mine very much and playing by her rule book is always hard . You may not agree but I think it's a blessing you cannot see yours. It makes me more anxious when I look at mine as the only thing I can visualize is the fissure when I am in the loo. Not a good thing to relax, believe me. So I stopped looking at it. I think the good days and bad days cycle - to quote my CRS "as long as there are more good days than bad days, then it's progress and means you are healing" . I remember right about a week ago I had sudden worsening in pain and then things settled down a bit. I also have had my share of diarrhea due to laxatives but I do not think that worsened my fissure overall. Have faith - I know it's healing.
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Re: Fissurotomy and Botox diary

Postby Mypoorbutt » 08 Jul 2016, 01:08

Yes the fissures are quite the little divas aren't they...wanting everything a certain way and then acting like a naughty toddler the minutiae they don't get what they want. You are probably right HTD if I could see mine I would be looking at it constantly but would be nice to know that it's healed even a tiny bit coz it needs too lol. Oh yes I'm def having more good days than bad but the bad tend to be horrendous...dont suppose you could possibly ask your CRS a question for a crazy English lady who is convinced at least one bad diarrhoea day a week will stop the healing whether it would or is she just totally overreacting lol.
Tried a new food (well new since the fissure ) yesterday and was ok so that's one more thing I can eat which is good. Hoping for another good day today
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Re: Fissurotomy and Botox diary

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 09 Jul 2016, 00:44

Hi MPB is am so sorry I saw this post after the Doctor's visit and did not ask her but I'll try to see if she responds to email on Monday. Don't get time to check this website till late in the evening nowadays.
I read that diarrhea in large quantities and frequency and rather constant irritates fissure but with the way you have been with a few hours I don't think it's impactful on healing
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Re: Fissurotomy and Botox diary

Postby Mypoorbutt » 09 Jul 2016, 04:07

Lol that's ok HTD...that was my worry in the first few weeks as it was 10/15 x a a day but it's under a bit more control now, not perfect but much better seem to only have 1 bad day a week at the moment.
Yesterday was good no trip to the loo so yay...I know it's still there though as I can feel the stinging and slight discomfort even on non BM days and for some reason it hurts when I lay with my legs straight out in bed...this really irritates my fissure.
I have to keep reminding myself that complete healing isn't what this Botox was for as I will need LIS anyway due to how bad the fissure is.
Had my BM this morning so will see how we go today...hopefully it's just the 1
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