Fissurotomy/fistulotomy and botox tomorrow

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Re: Fissurotomy/fistulotomy and botox tomorrow

Postby Strangeworldaf » 05 Aug 2012, 06:27

Sue27k....I get sick when taking miralax I hate it, it caused so much trouble and I had to stop it.
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Re: Fissurotomy/fistulotomy and botox tomorrow

Postby thisfissurecankissmybutt » 05 Aug 2012, 12:17

Hi Sue!
I am soooooooooooooooooo sorry you've a couple of really bad days! What did we all do to deserve this? I wonder if any of us will ever be able to go to the bathroom again without thinking/worrying about it.
Personally, I have never had any problems with Miralax - it has been a lifesaver for me. Have you ever tried Konsyl fiber powder? My doctor said it is the gold-standard of fiber supplements. I tried it for a while and loved it, but I have intentionally been trying to have non-formed BM's while I am recovering from surgery, but I plan to add it back to my daily routine in the near future. It might be worth a try.
I hope you feel better soon.
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Re: Fissurotomy/fistulotomy and botox tomorrow

Postby andyk123 » 05 Aug 2012, 13:17

sue i am so sorry to hear your still having problems! dont give up yet though! you will heal eventually one way or another.
fingers crossed this does work, and if it doesnt you have not yet had LIS so you are not going to be at the end of the road.
I was thinking- i know your doctor wouldnt do LIS cause you are child bearing age, but what if you opted to have C-section when you do have children, is that not an option?
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Re: Fissurotomy/fistulotomy and botox tomorrow

Postby Sue27uk » 07 Aug 2012, 10:10

Aw thanks ETO, really appreciate it. Thanks for all the replies guys. I have tried something different, having half a sachet of movicol in the morning and half at night seems to lessen the sickness alot. I want to try and get off it altogether as feel like I am taking rather alot of laxatives but going to try and do it gradually. I think my skin complaint flaring up hasn't helped, plus the dermatologist giving up has affected me. Good news is I was only constipated for 2 days and things have steadily improved a bit since. I still get really bad pain during bm, but it fades alot after. I still have to take ibuprofen if I'm going out as walking is still a challenge at times but its not regularly. I'm trying to balance going for a short walk each day with rest. I have decided to ring up and find out when my follow-up appointment is so I can hopefully get some answers to my questions and make sure this is all normal or get him to check whether there is anything else going on. Plus have a date to focus on so I don't feel like I am drifting. I may have been affected by other stress, in that my friends husband died a week ago and I went to his funeral yesterday. It was quite inspiring actually, and he lived with alot of pain and had heart trouble. Puts mine into perspective and makes me realise I still should be grateful for what I can do.
I had thought about that Andy, I wish they would listen to me when I say I don't actually want children. There is always that option I suppose, though the future pain like this doesn't appeal!! Anyway enough about me, think I have too much time to think about things now I'm on holiday! Hows is everyone else doing? Thisfissure and ETO, are things improving for you? Andy, has your pain level got better? Thanks again for the replies, it makes a difference to speak to people who are going through the same/a similar experience Image
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Re: Fissurotomy/fistulotomy and botox tomorrow

Postby Sue27uk » 10 Aug 2012, 13:26

5 WEEK Post-op update
Well it will be 5 weeks tomorrow I had my surgery. I don't know what happened last week but had a disaster. Since then things have gradually got better until I almost had no pain during a bm this morning. I was able to go and help with the shopping, come home and have a massive clearout in my room all with just having a couple of paracetamol to blitz some niggles. But nothing much to report. I hope this continues and things get even better, thought I would update when things are positive. Hope things are good with everyone else :)
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Re: Fissurotomy/fistulotomy and botox tomorrow

Postby Sue27uk » 06 Sep 2012, 12:54

Well have just been for my follow up appointment (at 9 weeks post op). Although I am still having some pain, my CRS has looked at the site. He says it has not completely healed yet, but it is healing and its superficial. Said the edges of the fissure when he saw it before were hard, and there was a significant tract (about an inch long) which he opened up. Said the edges now look like it will heal and that by putting up rectogesic I may be opening it more so wants me to stop that now. Said if the movicol, lactulose and docusate sodium helps then the amount I'm having won't do any harm. So may keep going for a while until it feels completely healed. Although I feel like I am still having some occasional spasms he said he can't feel any and that seems to have stopped.
Basically he thinks I need to give it time, stop the rectogesic for a month and see what happens. If I am still having trouble after a couple of months to go back. He checked my coccyx/top of bum cheeks and said he couldn't see anything, it may be the area settling down. Said there may be a pilonidal sinus brewing but he wouldn't cut me open unless it was swollen so said to see how it goes. At least he checked and couldn't see or feel anything. Must admit it has been better now I've been moving around more in work and not sitting so much. Putting some cream on from the doc which finally seems to be helping. So overall a good sign I hope. Will update if anything changes :)
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Re: Fissurotomy/fistulotomy and botox tomorrow

Postby thisfissurecankissmybutt » 06 Sep 2012, 13:40

Hi Sue:
I'm so glad you received a good report! I'm sure it put your mind at ease knowing you are definitely healing. Tell your butt to keep up the good work!
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Re: Fissurotomy/fistulotomy and botox tomorrow

Postby Ever the Optimist » 06 Sep 2012, 14:29

Sue - that all sounds incredibly positive and sure proves the theory that healing takes some time!!
It sounds like your CRS was incredibly thorough with you and hope this has left you even more reassured that healing is happening!!
Try not to stress too much about the pilonidal stuff. It could well be related to everything else going on right now. If your CRS didn't feel or see any signs, then I'm sure you will be OK and this will hopefully pass with time.
It's great to hear you are picking up generally too and beginning to live a little more normally again.....Fingers crossed, things are getting better for you! :D
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
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Re: Fissurotomy/fistulotomy and botox tomorrow

Postby Ever the Optimist » 29 Sep 2012, 04:52

Hi! and how are you doing these days?????
Healing OK I hope???
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: Fissurotomy/fistulotomy and botox tomorrow

Postby Sue27uk » 30 Sep 2012, 05:42

Hi ETO. Well I stopped the rectogesic and it became very painful so I am back on it. I am having pain on the right (which I didn't have before surgery) and some pain still on the left which has improved a little. I am still taking my softeners and laxatives as if I come off them I am in trouble. I still have alot of pain between my bum cheeks at the top and have to use steroid cream twice a day. I am going for my patch testing for my skin condition in a couple of weeks, and once that is done and the results have come back I am changing my GP. Decided I need a fresh opinion on everything, and don't see why I should keep on living in pain like he seems happy for me to do. It is manageable but can't really say the operation has made too much difference! So I am going back mid November if it still isn't right, I think that is plenty of time for it to have settled down and if it hasn't then it's obviously not right. Focusing on my skin condition and getting the correct treatment for that first before starting on the other problems again. I hope you are somewhat better than me! My pain/discomfort is manageable but I have been quite disappointed that this operation hasn't sorted out the problem as expected. The private guy I saw said he didn't expect to see me back, so I don't really know who I would go to. Going to take advice from my new GP who I should be with the start of November. Hope things are better for you! :) xx
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