LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby FissureHome » 24 Nov 2013, 11:03

i noticed a small welt on the bottom of my left butt cheek like in the groove of the curve of your butt cheek at the bottom..should i be concerned that maybe this is a fitsula forming? i read somehwere that fissures can turn into fitsulas :( please god no! i just want to lead a normal life again..i feel like my fissure is improving a little everyday..i cant take another bum issue..
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby FissureHome » 24 Nov 2013, 11:04

i hoping and praying its just a pimple or a boil..
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby shyme » 21 Dec 2013, 15:54

Hi torninhell.. i am newbie here and finally i found this very helpful
Site..i am from philippines too.. i want to know from where you are in philippines
And can you help me find a good Doctor? Or your Doctor would be
Fine.. i plan for a vacation next year and i want this pain gone in my intire life.
Hope to talk to you in e mail i want to ask you more about fissure and of course the cost.
Hope you will read this message..
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby FissureHome » 22 Dec 2013, 08:49

Torn how is your recovery going? are you pain free? are you able to sit comfortably without squirming or changing positions?
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby torninhell » 22 May 2014, 22:34

Hi everyone. This is terribly delayed but I just wanted to let everyone know that almost 1 year after my surgery I have retorn, at the same fissure site as before AND now at the LIS cut site as well. Soaking in epsom salts daily, and slowly changing my diet. Trying magnesium as well, to see what it can do. Have been torn and retearing for about 2 weeks now. Some days are good, some days are bad.

I've noticed my muscle has tightened back up so hoping that this will help. I have a problem with always being tense, especially when it comes to my anus, which is maybe why I keep tearing. Maybe I should also seek help in therapy, for stress management techniques.

Any advice? I'm nervous as I'm already Post-LIS and if things worsen I don't know if I can have another. Am currently waiting for advice from doctor, whether I need to go in for a consultation (waiting for a text :( ).
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby Roidsfizzman » 26 May 2014, 19:17

I am sorry to hear after LIS that you had a re-tear. I was told by my doctor that after my LIS once I am healed if a re-tear shoud occure, to start using Nifedipine cream right after the re-tear. Have you seen your doctor and how are you doing? If you sphincter muscle has tightened back up, you might consider Botox if a second LIS is not an option.
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby torninhell » 27 May 2014, 03:54

Hi Roidsfizzman, thank you very much for the reply. The problem here is... in my country there are no creams for fissures. No nitro, no Anoheal, no nifedipine, nothing. :( The best I've got is Curiosin gel, which is an ointment that helps with wound healing with hyaluronic acid. That's all my doctor could give me. LIS was really my only option.

I'm seeing my CRS tomorrow, maybe he'll suggest Botox. I can tell that my muscle has significantly tightened back up--you just get the feeling for it you know? I've been okay lately, I've upped my magnesium to 2x daily and it's really helped prevent tearing by keeping the consistency of my stools soft. I use petroleum jelly too, applied right before a bowel movement.
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby Roidsfizzman » 27 May 2014, 08:42

Hi Torinhell,
Can you get Polyethylene Glyrol 3350 (MiraLax in USA)? In the US MiraLax is sold over the counter. If you can not buy this product in the Philippines, you may be able to purchase online. This has been the best stool softner that I have used.
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby torninhell » 27 May 2014, 20:51

Roidsfizzman wrote:Hi Torinhell,
Can you get Polyethylene Glyrol 3350 (MiraLax in USA)? In the US MiraLax is sold over the counter. If you can not buy this product in the Philippines, you may be able to purchase online. This has been the best stool softner that I have used.

Thanks for the tip, I didn't know the generic name of MiraLax. I've heard a lot of things about it and I might look it up, see if I can get it here. I've been taking magnesium and it's been working, except I had diarrhea yesterday, maybe I had too much? I don't know. I'll cut back to one and a half tabs per day. Today is my CRS appointment...let's see what he has to say.

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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby powderblue » 13 Jul 2014, 20:41

Any update for us?
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