so far so good. botox diary

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Re: so far so good. botox diary

Postby Deleted User 2543 » 11 Jul 2013, 14:13

Hi puzzle,
OMG your lovely silk knickers i hope they didn't stain Image 
I'm so glad you had a lovely holiday sounds so romantic except for the crap lol
Do you feel like your healing? x
Deleted User 2543

Re: so far so good. botox diary

Postby puzzledbutt » 11 Jul 2013, 15:10

hi-ya edel!! lol yes i had a really good time and glad i went now i was so nervous i didnt want to be far from my own bathroom but turns out i probably would have crapped my pants after that much dark chocolate no matter where i was! lovely holiday pants went in the bin just wanted the whole thing to be over quickly tried to wash rinse them but would have had to let them steep in our lovely unsuite sink and boyfriend would see them and be reminded of me soiling myself, but u see edel i still laugh about it to myself but boyfriend hasnt mentioned it again god love him he probably thinks im really cut up about it but i was just glad that if i had to have a second poop that day it was smooth even if it did fall into my chacs!! i dont know if im healing edel all i know is i havent had any blood or pain since i got botox done i can feel fissure or could b discomfort of the tag sometimes if i sit the one way for to long. i hope i am healing but can u ever really tell when ur bottom is full of botox?? i suppose i will have to wait and c, how did u feel edel after ur first round did u think u had healed?? r u still healing well i really hope so edel uve been through alot pet. all my love and lots of healing to u :-) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Re: so far so good. botox diary

Postby puzzledbutt » 12 Jul 2013, 14:57

hi all! period came yesterday it seems to effect my fissure and how i know this and this is going to sound weird but i get a pain on the top of my knee the pain i use to get when i first got my fissure. its on the right knee and my fissure is on the right, so even though i have the botox i know my fissure must b still there because of the stabbing feeling i get in my knee. love and healing to u xxxxxxx goin to have some chocolate- my ovaries said i have to but not to much that i soil myself again he he!!!
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Re: so far so good. botox diary

Postby Rachael 1984 » 12 Jul 2013, 15:12

Hi PuzzledButt, sounds like that chocolate worked too good! Lol. I might need that. Keep going, and keep up with your great sense of humour! Xxxxx
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
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Re: so far so good. botox diary

Postby Deleted User 2543 » 12 Jul 2013, 16:18

Hi puzzle,
Ah I'm chuffed you had a good time & you were able to relax. You'll never forget Venice Image Image . I'm so glad that you don't have any pain or bleeding its a good sign you will of course have discomfort for a while its still early days for you. When is your check up? When I had Botox 1st at my 6 wk check up my CRS said my fissure was curling up at the edges. I'm doing soooo good now really pleased as I was so scared of LIS & more of tag removal as I'd heard it was really painful. Honestly it was so much easier than I imagined :).
How weird is that your knee pains you when your fissure is angry be extra careful for a few days so. It's weird I suffer with chronic constipation & when I have a period I get diarrhoea Image 
Enjoy your chocolate I'm having a gls of red wine yum..
And puzzle remember " be careful when you angel gas because it just may be a shart" lol xxxx
Last edited by Deleted User 2543 on 12 Jul 2013, 16:23, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Spelling
Deleted User 2543

Re: so far so good. botox diary

Postby WelshDoubleFissure » 12 Jul 2013, 17:13

Lol @ angel gas!! Brilliant terminology.
Avoid silky pants. Check.
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Re: so far so good. botox diary

Postby puzzledbutt » 13 Jul 2013, 01:41

good morning ladies! racheal edel and r welsh. thank u for ur replys always lovely to hear from everyone. yeah been having weird period being real heavy but i did drink 7litres of water yesterday sitting in the sun reading- result made myself ill really shaky craving suger and garlic potatos. does anybody think the same as me sometimes u drink so much water u wash all the salt and suger out of ur body. ive been upside down since venice bowel movement can happen anywhere from 3 to 9 in the morning. im eating alot of salad these days with olive oil on it as i did on holiday, just putting this out there anyone having trouble trying to get poops soft please try olive oil on salad but not to much girls and boys. i think my check up is 31 july thats another worry how does he see my fissure this time??? i dont want him having to pull and poke at it or will he just take it if im not bleeding or in pain its on the right road?? edel i think mine might b curling up as u said thats a good way of explaining it, my tag has kinda moved from covering my anus to the side of it. it doesnt same to have got smaller but it has moved so that my bottom nearly looks normal little hole in it only for the tag, but it has been months since i have been able to see it again. it was a nice wee surprise! anyhow cant wait to this period is over its doing my scone in. so glad u r feeling so well edel im delighted for u! if i have to get lis im not going to b afraid because of ur posts ur doing great- good girl!!!!! love and healing to u all chat soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Re: so far so good. botox diary

Postby Deleted User 2543 » 14 Jul 2013, 03:40

Lol puzzle, you can see you bum hole again :) I feel the same I haven't been able to see mine for years as I had a very lrg tag that covered the area. Since it was removed it looks normal down there :)
Don't worry about your app at my first check up after Botox all my CRS done was pulled my cheeks apart very gently my fissure is not visible from outside & see could see it by just doing that.
How do you drink so much water? I drink 2 to 3 ltrs and live in the loo if I were to drink between 5 & 7 I'd have to put a nappy on lol.
Hope your enjoying the sun :) xx
Deleted User 2543

Re: so far so good. botox diary

Postby puzzledbutt » 14 Jul 2013, 12:28

hi edel! thats a relief i was really worried about going for my check up. i do drink far to much sometimes but im always worried especially in this heat we r getting but then when i drink alot it makes me feel ill so im defo cutting down. i use to run to the toilet alot now dont get me wrong i still go more than the normal peoples in the world but my body seems to hang on to alot of the water i put in but not like 7lts it is exchausting cant remember the last time i had a full nights sleep! hope u r still doing great and having a lovely glass of red in the garden today. u defo deserve it!!! :-) xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Re: so far so good. botox diary

Postby puzzledbutt » 15 Jul 2013, 07:34

hi all! having a kinda weird day, sore pressure after bowel movement and spasms all day not painful ones but uncomfortable. wonder am i heading for retear tomoro morning?? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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