LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby pinpin » 26 Jun 2013, 10:03

Super news! :)
Btw, where actually this LIS wound is located?
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby torninhell » 26 Jun 2013, 10:11

I have 3 fissures. 1 really deep at 12 o clock, another at 6 and another somewhere else but it's small so my doc didn't specify. The incision i feel is located at 9 o clock.
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby Deleted User 2543 » 26 Jun 2013, 14:38

Hi torn, so glad to hear your first BM went so well 😊& today's wasn't too bad either. All my pain is coming from incision site too but today I had a bigger BM pain was horrible I had tears 😥 & pain all day worse day so far & it's day 14. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
My incision is at 9 o clock too.
Deleted User 2543

Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby torninhell » 27 Jun 2013, 06:29

Hi Edel, I'm so sorry about the pain! I had another big BM today, same as yesterday. I think I'm taking too much fiber. :( But even though it was mildly painful while I was getting the BM started, it was all good after a bit and it just slid out easily. Thankfully. No pain after either, and I was even able to drive! Yay :)
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby Courtknee » 27 Jun 2013, 09:05

Hey Torn and Edel,
Torn, I'm glad you're feeling well. I believe my incision site is at 9 o'clock too. I had three skin tags removed and what do you know, I've developed another after surgery. It's just sore. Nowhere near the same pain as the fissure. My problem is that because the skin tag sites are healing, when I go, it feels like it's going to rip apart but doesn't and once I poo, I feel quite a but better. Mine however aren't sliding out easy because they are MONSTER poops! I've never in my life had poops this large. I'm starting to think I've been a tightass since birth. Are you guys experiencing poop this large? I think I will still be on the mend for a few more weeks because of the skin tag sites but that's ok. My incision site doesn't seem to bother me much at all.
Edel, sorry to hear about your pain. I think it will get better within a few weeks. Wishing good things for both of you!
Oh, btw. Two days after surgery, I had to go to the hospital and wound up with a UTI. I was put in antibiotics and that caused diarrhea which was awful. Blah!
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby torninhell » 27 Jun 2013, 10:30

Hi Courtknee, I'm glad my doctor didn't remove my skintag. If it doesn't bother me in the future then I don't care if it's there... I'll just have it removed if it causes problems in the future. Anyway I have a feeling I've been a tightass since birth too but it just got aggravated somehow... I dunno!
YES my poop is gigantic lately no joke, I think it's cause I eat way too much fiber, I am trying to cut down but then that'd leave me having to eat a lot of meat to compensate. Or carbs. And I'm kinda scared what will happen if I cut back too much on fiber, oh lordy.
I hope that UTI is gone along with that diarrhea!
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby Deleted User 2543 » 27 Jun 2013, 11:58

Hi Torn & Courtknee,
Torn you are really doing great :D I think my problem is too much fiber too & the painkillers im on are causing constipation so dr has changed them for me. Today is a bit better than yesterday tg.
Courtknee i had skin tag removed too and only the last two days with lrg bm have i felt discomfort from the site, like you feels like its stretching Image What a pain to deal with UTI so soon after surgery.
Hopefully in a few wks things will be back to normal for us all fingers crossed.
Take care Image
Deleted User 2543

Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby Courtknee » 27 Jun 2013, 23:25

I had the same thoughts about reducing the fiber. I am consuming between 30-35 grams a day. The only reason I decided not to us like you said, if I reduce the whole foods that contains fiber, I'd be supplementing with refined starches (which makes like glue inside your intestines) or more meat which is just plain constipating. I have found that I absolutely NEED two Colace a day. That's easy enough considering I use to drink three glasses of prune juice a day, 4 Colace and soup and salad only. My diet is- Breakfast- Whole grain waffle and applesauce. Lunch- Turkey and veggie wrap on a La Tortilla Factory wrap (12 g of fiber in the wrap) and veggies and fruit. Dinner- tuna fish sandwich on Arnold Double Fiber bread and more fruits and veggies. I'm not sure if I unintentionally made myself anorexic with the soup and salad diet before surgery because my stomach was always empty feeling and concaved. Now I'm feeling full, my stomach feels hard and it's like distended and bloated. I hate it, but I'm pushing through that, trying to convince myself that my body just needs time to get used to actually being full or at least satisfied.
Edel, I agree about the skin tags. I feel the almost tearing feeling more now than on the first few days. I read that because they heal through secondary intention, the skin gets tight as it heals and that's what causes that feeling. My CRS said the feeling should subside after a few weeks of healing and I had three taken off on three opposite sides of my butthole so the feeling is all over. Thank goodness I'm experiencing no pain from the fissure site which amazes me because I can still feel it with my finger and especially with these monster poops, I have no idea how it's not ripping open. I'm thrilled though!!!
One thing that sucks is I live in Florida so of course you get swampass as soon as you walk outside and I think that's what is causing the itching at the skin tag sites.
Keep healing guys! I feel like we are sorority sisters or something. Haha
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby Courtknee » 27 Jun 2013, 23:30

Oh, also, I don't know how you say that your monster poops have slid right out. Mine do not want to come out. A piece comes out and then the rest gets stuck right at the verge and won't come out to save my life and I have to just wait until the next monster poop. I'm pooping like after every meal. I'd be ok with that if it wasn't so frickin huge! Any suggestions, I'd appreciate.
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Re: LIS Surgery and Recovery Diary

Postby WelshDoubleFissure » 28 Jun 2013, 03:20

Hey guys,
Monster poop = way too much fibre.
I tired this diet pre-surgery and I would just tear that fissure wide open. Bristol scale 4, but thicker.
After months of this - I removed fibre from my diet and ate pretty unhealthily and hey presto - Bristol scale 2 which were smaller, took longer to pass but did not tear and were relatively pain free.
I'm now 13 days post-surgery and I eat a wheatabix every morning (just 1) then a selection of veg throughout the day, with the magic ingredient of Movicol and hey presto I'm Bristol scale 6.
Lots of fibre "packs" everything together which in our situation is not ideal. Try reducing it to a level that suits you.
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